For those that either have an RV or detail RV`s I have a little something to pass along that I learned this morning. I was on the roof sweeping and thought it was time for a good cleaning as I have been getting my fair share of Dandruff off the roof. In the past I have used Protectall roof cleaner then used their protectant. I have been using Optimum Wash and Wax on the vehicles and RV fiberglass hoping the built in Car Wax would help alleviate some of the work. I emailed Optimum asking if the OWW would be safe to use on the roof. The answer is "YES" and they also recommended using Protectant Plus for a protectant. I went to the roof with a terry cloth and a bottle of OWW in hand. It did do a good job even on the 2 year plus staining from the AC run off. This first time using OWW will be a little time intensive as the roof has not been cleaned in a long time but it does work very well. It did not remove but lessened the black spots that are limited on my roof and I know of no product that will remove those stains. I have owned a RV since 1999 so I do have experience in the upkeep and hopefully using OWW will help the maintaining easier. Thought I would pass this along.
