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  1. #1

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    Police don`t shoot to kill they shoot to protect or survive

    Great video and if you do watch please read the whole ending as it scrolls.

    Posted as my gratitude for the men and women of law enforcement doing their job to make life civil for the rest of us.
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  2. #2

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    Re: Police don`t shoot to kill they shoot to protect or survive

    Well done!

  3. #3

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    Re: Police don`t shoot to kill they shoot to protect or survive

    The police are all in all great but they have to tone it down a bit imo. There is a feeling of us being constantly on their radar, and uneasiness when they are around. It should be the other way around, we should feel great when a cop is near by, walking past us, standing by in a group of people. Add in their license plate scanners, license readers, getting scanned constantly, always under surveillance...I dont want to live like that.

    Who wants someone lurking in bushes pretty much unseen just waiting for some good people to slip up so they can get pounced on. Is that what we want police for, nope.

    If the people didnt feel like half their job was simply to generate revenue at the barrel of a gun they would have better relations with a lot of people.

    That said I havnt had a ticket in 25 years, so what do I care.
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  4. #4

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    Re: Police don`t shoot to kill they shoot to protect or survive

    Scan away for all I care. If it catches 1 extra bad guy I`m all for it.

    I go into many sensitive areas in the course of my job. I need to go through airport style security and stricter and I get my breif case and sample bags examined. I`m totally fine with it , why because I don`t have a guilty conscience and I sure hope that there are no bad guys with Bad things where I`m headed.

    Police get criticized or ridiculed by the press if they miss something and they get talk down about by the public if the something happens that they don`t prevent. It`s a thankless job and for all the good they do, it seems to be the few unfortunate incidents that get run over and over in the news outlets.

    I ask you (all.) Are you that good that you never miss anything. I wish I was and I try but nobody`s perfect.

    If your uncomfortable with a police officer in your general area chances are your doing something you shouldn`t be doing. It`s normal to be nervous when pulled over but not when an Oficer walks by imho. I`ve taught my kids to be friendly to uniformed police from a young age.

    As far as revenue generation I have recieved several tickets in my years if driving. If I am being honest I never got one I did not earn.

    Quote Originally Posted by JBM View Post
    The police are all in all great but they have to tone it down a bit imo. There is a feeling of us being constantly on their radar, and uneasiness when they are around. It should be the other way around, we should feel great when a cop is near by, walking past us, standing by in a group of people. Add in their license plate scanners, license readers, getting scanned constantly, always under surveillance...I dont want to live like that.

    Who wants someone lurking in bushes pretty much unseen just waiting for some good people to slip up so they can get pounced on. Is that what we want police for, nope.

    If the people didnt feel like half their job was simply to generate revenue at the barrel of a gun they would have better relations with a lot of people.

    That said I havnt had a ticket in 25 years, so what do I care.
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  5. #5
    rlmccarty2000's Avatar
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    Re: Police don`t shoot to kill they shoot to protect or survive

    I too am tired of the constant scanning and I also have nothing to hide. The Orwellian society is upon us, with the Government tracking our every move. It is disconcerting. It is not always used to keep us safe. The information is used as a tool to create revenue. How many times have you seen a State Patrol office pull over one out of a group of 10 speeders? Why pick out just one? Everyday they have their pick of people breaking the law yet they choose to pick out enough to make a quota. Around here the police get information on drug mules and pull them over and break a tail light after the fact. Yes I am glad that the drug dealers are being pulled off the streets, but there is a right way to do things, and as always, a wrong way. Illegal search and seizure is a way of life and just because you have not been on the receiving end does not make it right. Normal people live in fear even though they have done no wrong. The police in my area do little except buy new surveillance equipment to check tags. Where before they were on foot mingling with us common citizens, they now hover above us (in more ways than one) checking our texts and emails, keeping us "safe" from one another. All that said I still support our police officers, I just do not support the idea of our eroding privacy.

  6. #6

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    Re: Police don`t shoot to kill they shoot to protect or survive

    They very nature of scanning is to catch the bad guys. You need to scan then all to find the bad. Why would you care if they scanned your plate ( by the way mine is coated ) if you have nothing to hide.

    Recently I need to get a twic card because I frequent a sensitive area. I needed to be fingerprinted. It get run for a lot of stuff as part of the background check. I signed a form that my prints are not on file in many data can be used for many things.

    I look at it this was, good guys fear nothing from the law.

  7. #7

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    Re: Police don`t shoot to kill they shoot to protect or survive

    Very True! However I do see a common theme for most of the perps in that video. Can the truth be considered profiling? Bear this thought in mind and everyone would come out unharmed. To the perps it reads like this;
    Dont run,Don`t die,just COMPLY!
    If any of the people who were killed by officers in the last few years had done this,they would be alive today and this ----- lives matter crap would not be all over the news.
    Officers are trying to fight fire with fire and getting burned, it`s just not right!
    If I`m not fishing,I`m wishing I was.

  8. #8

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    Re: Police don`t shoot to kill they shoot to protect or survive

    And when my kids don`t answer my texts and I check find my iPhone they don`t love that either.

    Answer me and I won`t ping you. Simple as that.

  9. #9

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    Re: Police don`t shoot to kill they shoot to protect or survive

    Quote Originally Posted by JSFM35X View Post
    They very nature of scanning is to catch the bad guys. You need to scan then all to find the bad. Why would you care if they scanned your plate ( by the way mine is coated ) if you have nothing to hide.

    Recently I need to get a twic card because I frequent a sensitive area. I needed to be fingerprinted. It get run for a lot of stuff as part of the background check. I signed a form that my prints are not on file in many data can be used for many things.

    I look at it this was, good guys fear nothing from the law.
    With enough laws everyone is a criminal.

    I dont want anyone scanning me for any reason, I dont even need a reason why, I just dont.
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    rlmccarty2000's Avatar
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    Re: Police don`t shoot to kill they shoot to protect or survive

    Me either! I just don`t want to be followed by anyone. Even good old trustworthy Uncle Sam. But I don`t get a say in the matter unless I go hide in the Colorado mountains and we know how our government loves that. Our rights are being eroded and that "for the greater good" is baloney.
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  11. #11
    Nutbread's Avatar
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    Re: Police don`t shoot to kill they shoot to protect or survive

    Quote Originally Posted by JSFM35X View Post
    They very nature of scanning is to catch the bad guys. You need to scan then all to find the bad. Why would you care if they scanned your plate ( by the way mine is coated ) if you have nothing to hide.

    Recently I need to get a twic card because I frequent a sensitive area. I needed to be fingerprinted. It get run for a lot of stuff as part of the background check. I signed a form that my prints are not on file in many data can be used for many things.

    I look at it this was, good guys fear nothing from the law.
    If they were scanning for a specific plate number of a stolen car, or were given a number by a witness to a crime, I would be okay with scanning if every scanned number that wasn`t a hit was immediately deleted. But they can and do save the numbers indefinitely. You may think you have nothing to hide, but you never know what the government has an interest in. If you were at an NRA convention and Hillary were President would you feel comfortable with a license plate scanner cruising the parking lot? Conversely, imagine being at a pro immigration rally with Trump as president. I realize the President can`t directly tell local cops what to do, but all municipalities get federal money for one thing or another. Doesn`t take much for the government to put strings on that money. In fact it wouldn`t surprise me if federal grants pay for a lot of those scanners.
    The devil made me do it the first time.
    The second time I done it on my own.

    The only good thing about getting old is no longer having to worry about dying young.
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  12. #12

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    Re: Police don`t shoot to kill they shoot to protect or survive

    If there is a chance of catching a scumbag or terrorist...scan and profile away. It`s the time we are living in,for better or worse.

  13. #13

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    Re: Police don`t shoot to kill they shoot to protect or survive

    Quote Originally Posted by MikeC. View Post
    If there is a chance of catching a scumbag or terrorist...scan and profile away. It`s the time we are living in,for better or worse.
    The problem is that technology can be used for whatever they need it for.

  14. #14

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    Re: Police don`t shoot to kill they shoot to protect or survive

    I like getting pulled over by the police.. at least I am getting something for my money....

    Haven`t got any points, don`t really drink, don`t do drugs and I don`t steal stuff..
    They can profile me all they want, they`d be bored ````less...

  15. #15
    Darth Camaro 12/27/15 Don's Avatar
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    Re: Police don`t shoot to kill they shoot to protect or survive

    I`m biased. My dad became an LEO in 1970 when I was 4 years old and had a 33 year career. I became an LEO in 1990 and am still active. The thing that I have noticed most is how much more scrutiny LEOs are under now than they were in 1970. We have to everything by the book and by the letter although the book doesn`t and can`t cover every possible scenario.

    In my dad`s day, actually fighting or initiating an assault on the police was a rarity, nowadays, it`s almost the norm. Criminals don`t seem to run away anymore, they are out for blood and too often we shed it. Criminals are nowadays seen as victims, or more specifically, "victims of society" while police are being seen as the villains, particularly if we have to use ANY level of force to control or stop a violent subject. Most people don`t understand why it takes 5+ cops to bring down & control 1 man (or woman). Most of the officers I know can and have handled fights one on one, BUT one of both of them ALWAYS gets hurt. When there are multiple officers, each officer only has to use a little bit of force on the subject which by itself isn`t much but the cumulative strength of 5 officers each using a little force, is more than enough (usually) to control a subject WITHOUT ANYONE getting hurt.

    As for LEOs "scanning" or "profiling" ... how many of you know what is "normal" for your own neighborhood? You know which neighbor drives what car and the kind of hours they normally keep and you know when a car or pedestrian that is lingering around "just isn`t normal for that area" and you tend to watch it a bit more closely. I know about all that in my neighborhood. Like the older guy who walks down my street every morning about 0900 to go the the store and get his newspaper. Or that the silver Pontiac Grand Prix with the loud muffler and missing tail light belongs to the neighbor two doors up.

    THAT`S what police do, they get used to their `beats` and after time, they recognize who and what is `normal` for their areas of patrol. So when there is something out of place, they watch a bit more closely. License plate scanners are an interesting tool. I`ve used them on several occasions and they DO hit on stolen cars and cars whose owners have warrants, but they`re not perfect and everything the plate reader comes up with is double checked by the operating officer.

    When there is a pack of cars speeding down the highway, why don`t we get them all? When you`re fishing, have you ever caught the whole school of fish? People forget that driving a car is not a right, it is a privilege. Nowhere in the Constitution is it mentioned that The People Have the Right to Drive a Car (or back in the times it was written it wasn`t a `right ` for a man to own & ride a horse). Your Driver`s License and your License Plates do not belong to you, they belong to the State, which gives me the right to check your plates through LEADS (or whatever system I use) at will, I don`t need a reason. Which is why you can be driving perfectly and still be pulled over for a plate or Driver`s License violation. You`d be surprised at how many people don`t realize their DL or plates are expired or that their license is suspended. So instead of going on the defensive right away, calmly ASK why you were stopped. I`d say it`s safe to say that 99% + of the time if you are calm and reasonable talking to the officer, they will be calm and reasonable with you. In my experience, it`s ALWAYS the person with the biggest mouth & worst attitudes that have a warrant out for them or a suspended license.

    An officer`s #1 rule is to go home after his shift. Period. So it`s when people start getting loud and putting off aggressive signals, that officers go on the defensive and prepare to go on the offensive to protect themselves, their partners and the public. We learn to rely on our gut feelings when dealing with people. Which is simply an experience driven sense that compares the current situation to past situations and how the past scenarios played out to determine our course of actions. None of this is consciously done, it is all subconscious and fairly quick. Many of you have the same ability. You can "read" people and this lets you decide within minutes or seconds if you could get along with this person or not. ANY combat veteran knows what I`m talking about.

    We ARE NOT the enemy. Yes we are prepared to use violence, we are trained to use violence IF NEEDED. Like the video said, in this fashion we are similar to the wolf (criminal). but unlike the criminal, we are trained to use violence against those who would come after use or the general population, NOT the general population as a whole. I will agree that there are a few bad cops, but just a few. If it were a wide-spread issue, then it wouldn`t be newsworthy and wouldn`t make the papers or CNN.

    Want a closer look at our life? Take a Civilian Police Academy Class if there`s one in your area, go for a ride-along. Or just start talking to different LEOs to see their side of things. We are people too, of all different backgrounds and upbringings. I`m sure you`ll find we are more alike than we are different.
    Don M

    Proud owner of a 2017
    Hyper-Blue Metallic 2LT 6/Manual

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