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  1. #76

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    Jim`s problem wether meaning too or not is that every single post is always the same thing. he can`t just come in here and have a conversation with the rest of us. every post is "how do you plan on containing the runoff water" even if the post has abosolutly NOTHING at all to do with that. He`s beyond trying to force the issue. Other people have been banned from this site for pushing as hard as he does with this stuff. It`s considered spam by every mention of the system. It`s unwanted and he just dosen`t get it. Regardless of intentions being well meant or not he blew that opportunity a long time ago. now it just needs to stop. No one wants to hear about it anymore. And if there`s anyone that still does we all know how the PM function works on this site.

  2. #77

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    Please stop trying to cleanse the unwashed masses (pun intended). Hearing about how shoddy 2 hour details net you $180 doesn`t make an educated consumer like me EVER want to use your services.

    I come to this site because it promotes taking detailing to the next level. This discussion seems contrary to that goal. Frankly, I feel like I`m reading a discussion between a tunnel wash operator and a detailer.

    It`s interesting that I`ve never seen a Click and Brag from these guys.

  3. #78

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    Actually, the problem is that he should keep that nonsense on the Eco board. We are all trying to do our part. Usurping every thread to spread the gospel is WAY old!! And, his continuing to PM and even telephone Autopian members to convert is a tad much - if he denies doing it, sorry to those I`ve talked with, but I will out him about his calls to you!! And, well, I just think he`s obnoxious. I would have called him a troll but, I`m trying to be nice!!:hifive:

    He could do himself better if him would just say, "I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express!"

  4. #79

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    A personal perspective....I wont comment on the rights and wrongs of the legislation and intentions themselves.

    Living in the UK we dont (yet) have the same laws and enforcement that many of you in the US already seem to have, but a growing concern in me led me to make a commitment to myself at the end of last year - NO MORE NASTY CHEMICALS AND WASTE RUN-OFF from my personal detailing (thats my cars, family and fiends cars and a few client vehicles). As soon as I said it to myself it felt the `right` thing to be doing, despite not being a tree-hugging hippy

    I had no idea what that really meant to my detailing at the time. I`m as obsessive as many of you, perhaps more than some, and started to contemplate the consequences of my decision.... no solvent cleaners, no foaming pre-wash, no rivers of water run-off down my driveway and into the street, low water use etc etc and I confess I got scared. I nearly went back to my foam lance and amazing pre-wash when my car cam eback from the snow and was crusted with salt :nervous2: My 3 beautiful Autopian standard cars would quickly become swirled up messes with the typical UK wet weather, muddy and salty roads etc

    What has actually amazed me has been that 4 months in, my cars all look better than ever, get maintained in less time than ever, my foam canon sits idle and I have sold off all my offending products. No rivers of foam flow down my street and my driveway stays 99% dry all the time - when its not raining In fact I now spend less on the products I feel happy to use than I ever did before. I even crossed over into the land of absolute heresy recently and used a `waterless` wash (after much research and careful planning), and TBH am frankly stunned by what a quality job it does when used properly, and have replaced about 30% of my maintenance routine with it.

    I say this not to preach but simply to point out that it IS possible to adapt and change and still balance the Autopian dream with an eco-friendly approach. It takes some thought and effort to learn new things and try different techniques but the biggest challenge is to CHANGE YOUR MINDSET, as I have come to the conclusion that the biggest barriers to adapting and growing live inside my/our heads. Its those limiting beliefs we carry around with us that are largely holding us back. I know that because today, after a 400 mile drive in the wet countryside, my pride and joy looks like its been pulled from a swamp and needs a clean. Every fibre of my being is telling me to pull out the hose and foam canon....

  5. #80

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    Point is well taken. And, frankly, I would be willing to guess that most every Autopian has been using ONR, or some means of water conserving method for some time now. Weather it was initially for water conservation or time-savings, doesn`t matter. The point is, this guy joins every thread on the Forum and jacks and attempts to redirect it, bashes and berates everyone who doesn`t capitulate to his way of doing things.

    All the eco nonsense should remain on this board made exclusively for Eco-Friendly detailers. All of my cars are CNG or Bluetech. This guy runs an inefficient HHR gas engine. You don`t hear me preaching about that on every thread.

    He is not the end-all eco detailer. In fact, if you were to Google his business, you would discover that he has already made some enemies of customers.

    Just sayin`!

  6. #81

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    Quote Originally Posted by trig
    Maybe you could tell everyone about how your a member of the California Urban Water Conservation Council, and how you`ve spoken to the Municipal Water District of Orange County and the State of California Regional Water Quality Control spamming your Pronto Wash company and talking about how much water it saves, and how mobile detailers should have fines in place for not doing it your way. I find it funny that everyone here was right about you. You do have a single-sided opinion in what will be profitable for you. The only reason you are ECO friendly, is because when your done acting as a "player" with the regulators, you`ll be racking in the dough! Don`t hate the player, hate the game!

    Maybe another problem with this diatribe is what I see here: Eco Auto Detailing Articles - Resources for going green in your auto detailing business Unless I don`t remember my MLM/pyramid scheme marketing terms, master franchisee means that for every detailer he bullies/scares into wanting to be a ProntoWash in Orange County, he gets a piece of the action. So it`s a win-win, either the competition is out of business or paying him.

  7. #82

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    Good point setec. Im glad everyone saw through is his little act.

    This guy cares nothing for the enviroment and cares nothing for detailing.

    Purely a typical business man. A good one I must say, well good in one sense.

  8. #83
    SuperBee364's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Setec Astronomy
    Maybe another problem with this diatribe is what I see here: Eco Auto Detailing Articles - Resources for going green in your auto detailing business Unless I don`t remember my MLM/pyramid scheme marketing terms, master franchisee means that for every detailer he bullies/scares into wanting to be a ProntoWash in Orange County, he gets a piece of the action. So it`s a win-win, either the competition is out of business or paying him.

    You nailed it, Setec.

    We know that advertising your products without being an Autopia sponsor is not allowed. We also know that shilling is not allowed. What he is doing is a combination of the two. That should equal a double-banning. He should be banned so hard that he can`t even post on detailingbliss. DavidB allows a lot of latitude here on Autopia, allowing us to pretty much speak freely about products and vendors as long as we have no actual profit to be made in doing so. This guy has gone way over the line.

    There is no doubt that he is pimping his eco friendly franchise "opportunity" here directly and indirectly. Where`s David with that ban hammer?

    Maybe he`ll make good on his goodbye post and he won`t come back. I doubt it though, when was the last time any MLM`er took no for an answer? He`ll be back.

    Edit: I just took a look at their website, which gives a very brief over view of their process. It says that the entire detail uses about a pint of water. It also says that special MF`s are used to remove the actual dirt, grime, and grease from the car. So one of the biggest points he`s been pushing on this board is dirty waste water and waste water reclamation. I imagine that these special MF`s have to be laundered, right? Are you guys using washing machines that reclaim the wash water? If you`re not, what`s the difference between your process and a regular wash on the environment? Either way, the crap off of the car ends up back in the water eco system.

  9. #84

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    Well, he apparently has a 50% cust. satisfaction ratio going:

    orange county prontowash - Google Maps

    So, if you all don`t mind, I am introducing SuperDooperPrestoWash.

    For a mere $350.000 I will supply you with a new model grocery cart, three spray bottles and six newer 3x6 beach towels.

    Call Today!!!!!


  10. #85

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    Quote Originally Posted by Customer

    When I first talked to this gentleman, he pushed his environmentally friendly process on me and sold me on the idea, which I still believe in. But, when they did my car, they left it with loads of swirly marks and scratches. It was cheap but, you get what you pay for I guess.

    Pushed? Rubbish!


  11. #86

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    Well, thanks for the compliments, but I think many are unfounded, and you missed many of my best accomplishments.

    For those that I have helped, they don`t come on here, as they know this model provides a competitive advantage and are out leveraging it.

    How many of you, in your direct operating area, have gone out of their way to help a "competitor" ... thought so.

    Now, re read the link in the OP ... first off, I have never met nor spoken with anyone in the Ventura County SWCB,a nd did not know Oxnard was going to join the growing list of Cities banning mobile Detailing, then letting Detailers back in under specific and elevated criteria. So there goes your conspiracy theory. This is happening with or without me. Most / all are reacting to the issue … I am responding to the opportunity. There’s a big difference, but most will not see it.

    Secondly, reread the OP link on the story ... do you see anyone asking what the Detailers think about this? So, all you negative and challenging posters ... they really and honestly do not care what you think, more importantly, they know how you think and this was a genesis of these new standards. So, this forces a change, a change most Detailers will sit around and complain about, and a few will see this compelling event as an opportunity.

    My only suggestion is to keep it quiet, this is how the industry will respond to your solution here, and just go out and win. And, with a Water $mart Eco Detailing model, there are several ... you can compete and win!

    Lastly, again, sticking to the facts, I know that a Wash Mat with proper reclamation and disposal is an acceptable practice. And that a "waterless" model will pass with flying colors. But I have not seen a No Rinse pass the test. Although I support it, as what hits the ground is wither water or a biodegradable solution and not the contaminants, but these are zero discharge standards. So, the vacuboom will not pass in several cities I have tested the concept with.

    Looks like I hit a nerve with some, but if you stick with facts, they are only left to call names and use derogatory humor. Sad part is, they may have a following.

    Get the facts, and, for those here, do it yourself ... there are great resources to help you do it yourself. I am not trying to sway you into my system.


  12. #87

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    Such a tool!!!:soscared:

    You don`t reallly spend time at the water board meetings educating them. You spend time trying to promote your business, just like you do here. Keep on a trucking and maybe your will grow up and be truly interested in the environment and not your wallet. When that time comes, you will rid your self of the gasoline burning vehicle you drive that pollutes our environment and leavse a carbon footprint larger than most bigger vehicles.

    You don`t strike a chord, you are just obnoxious and apparently a tad self-diluted. You are all about your wallet and really don`t care about the environment, pimping a gimmick. We don`t care about your nonsense, we are just sick of your jacking productive and informative threads with it. I mean, you do your little school car wash under the guise of charity and giving back but, you accept payment for that very service on the back side. Very sleezy business.

  13. #88

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    This guy is like a damn infomercial.

    Why is this not counted as spam?

    Others have came on here and had very informative posts about eco detailing without having to pimp out a product/franchise every post. I enjoyed reading those threads and actually took something away from all of it, but your posts are all just the same thing over and over again.

  14. #89

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    I was hoping the moderators would address the attacks, not on the ideas, but on the person. Sticks & Bones stuff though.

    What in my ideas would you like to address or challenge?

    The fact remains of the original post ... how do you get compliant with these new City Regulations and Ordinances. I am not pushing them, just trying to prevent some Cities from throwing the Detailers out, and not letting them back in. There are a couple Cities who have not yet opened the door to let the industry back. Reality fellas, not spin, and not influenced by me ... but actually by the likes of the collective YOU.

    Yes, I guess you could view the actions as a promotion. I simply want to protect my investment, and I can tell you from these meetings, it is under attack. All these unnecessary steps the industry has to take because of those Neanderthal Detailers, that their thinking has not yet walking upright. That the carnauba under the fingernails rubs off as their knuckles scrape as they walk.

    Surprised to see a Detailer from San Francisco taking these views. Clearly, not everyone gets what is going on, and will resist with every fiber in their bones.


  15. #90

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    Useless information., nobody ever answered my question about why your pee smells wheb youi eat asparagus??


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