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Thread: $300 In An Hour

  1. #46
    derek37's Avatar
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    Sun Friendly??

  2. #47

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    This coats are for real, I have been testing a couple of them and they wears like a rock. I did wash a 530 beemer who had been coated and the car sheeted water like fresh applied nuba, and this was after 14 months.

    I canĂ‚´t tell if "X" is a similar coating, but IMO it sounds like that. Matrix is a simiar coating and yes, they work.

    The world is more then Duragloss, Zaino and Collinite when it comes to durability. I have been trying to say this during my time @ autopia, but no one never believed me.

    These coatings are very popular in Japan, go to youtube and search for GĂ‚´zox (one of the most popilar coatings).

  3. #48

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    I think the reason for the majority of the animousity in this thread is the fact that the "product" is being toted with close to ZERO technical background or explanation. This is a community of skilled and INFORMED detailers that know HOW and WHY their products work, not just WHICH products work.

    We like to understand the science behind our tools so A.) We can best utilize them, and B.) We can properly sell/explain them to our clients.

    TBH, solid reputation or not from the poster...when someone starts claiming they have a "coating" which is nameless, and priceless, especially without ANY real technical explanation aside from an insanely ambiguous and overly used term such as "polymers" I, and many others are going to scream BS.

    I want a real explanation of the SCIENCE behind the product. what KIND of coating is this?

    HOW does it function? I don`t want to hear that it does, I want to hear HOW and WHY. I won`t spend a red cent on it until I do.

    Also, there was an explanation by Anthony in which through up SEVERAL red flags to me..."First, a car DOES NOT need to be clayed nor polished, ever really. Of course, as you noted, this depends greatly on how the car is treated, driven and stored. A car, kept as a garage queen, may never need to be waxed, especially if cared for properly." Really couldn`t disagree much more on that. Every car, loved for or not will require claying...just at different intervals based on variables, X, Y, Z etc

    "Secondly, it`s not yet confirmed if claying fully removes this coating." Again a red flag...the product has been tested for as much as 4 years, and something as simple as that has not been tested? That`s scary...

    "I have applied this coating to single stage paint and it appears to now hold up against polishing in the sense that very little paint is being pulled."

    If any paint is pulled then the coating is completely gone in that area...if it slows the transfer, that would indicate a presence of something, but also that the coating takes on swirls (or the polishing wouldn`t be needed). Mixed thoughts on that.

    I have been a huge fan of the few Optimum products I have tried, and I anxiously await more revealing information on this mystery product.

  4. #49
    holland_patrick's Avatar
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    subscribed because this is and epic thread in the making

    4 page in one night

  5. #50

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    Quote Originally Posted by porta
    This coats are for real, I have been testing a couple of them and they wears like a rock. I did wash a 530 beemer who had been coated and the car sheeted water like fresh applied nuba, and this was after 14 months.

    Really? so you documented everything done on the car for this 14 months? it was never waxed again or QD`d or anything in 14 months huh?

    If you`re going to do testings you have to do them on cars you can have total control and observation over.
    Perfection Is In The Details

    Rated one of the Top Nine Auto Detailers in the US by AutoWeek Magazine! :buffing:

  6. #51

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    Sorry, but this "new coating" sounds no different to me then some of the long lasting sealents out on the market. You say it is a polymer product but with new technology (even though you don`t claim to know what that "new technology" is) but everything I`m reading is telling me it`s just another long lasting polymer sealant that is marketed differently.

    IMO, the fact that you guys are marketing it to dealerships and not detailers tells me alot as well. A truely great product will sell like crazy to detailers as we are informed and knowledgable in this area but dealerships are not and there`s no real way to prove the protection or keep accountable the 3 year evidence on a customers car.

    Perfection Is In The Details

    Rated one of the Top Nine Auto Detailers in the US by AutoWeek Magazine! :buffing:

  7. #52

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    I guess we`ll have to wait until it comes out to see if detailers buy it. I`d say if it does last a year+ consistently under most normal conditions (as in, no abraded away) it would be a good thing to have around.
    Click here to see what I`ve been working on, or here to see my YouTube page!

  8. #53

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    Great sounding product with multiple markets.

    Do we have a *rough* ETA?

  9. #54
    jimmie jam's Avatar
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    well, after spending the time to read this entire thread a couple of things stand out. 1) the original poster has spent ALOT of time/effort defending his statements. 2) the "information" is seemingly incomplete at best after repeated attemps to explain it. 3) the product just doesn`t make sense if you are in the "business" of car care. 4) the claims seem a little "over the top" given the real world of how the vast majority of car owners care for and use their vehicles. 5) this is just another "version" of the snake oil that`s been around since the 1970`s, IMHP. and last but not least, time is money. why spend so much time trying to defend this "new" product? it`s a sale thread, that`s why. this is just MY opinion. what ever floats your boat. :nervous::tumblewee :birthday:

  10. #55

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    Quote Originally Posted by LangMan37
    Sun Friendly??

    If you mean as in applying it in the sun then I would advise against that. It`s best applied on a cool surface out of direct sun.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lumadar
    I think the reason for the majority of the animousity in this thread is the fact that the "product" is being toted with close to ZERO technical background or explanation. This is a community of skilled and INFORMED detailers that know HOW and WHY their products work, not just WHICH products work.

    We like to understand the science behind our tools so A.) We can best utilize them, and B.) We can properly sell/explain them to our clients.

    TBH, solid reputation or not from the poster...when someone starts claiming they have a "coating" which is nameless, and priceless, especially without ANY real technical explanation aside from an insanely ambiguous and overly used term such as "polymers" I, and many others are going to scream BS.

    I want a real explanation of the SCIENCE behind the product. what KIND of coating is this?

    HOW does it function? I don`t want to hear that it does, I want to hear HOW and WHY. I won`t spend a red cent on it until I do.

    Also, there was an explanation by Anthony in which through up SEVERAL red flags to me..."First, a car DOES NOT need to be clayed nor polished, ever really. Of course, as you noted, this depends greatly on how the car is treated, driven and stored. A car, kept as a garage queen, may never need to be waxed, especially if cared for properly." Really couldn`t disagree much more on that. Every car, loved for or not will require claying...just at different intervals based on variables, X, Y, Z etc

    "Secondly, it`s not yet confirmed if claying fully removes this coating." Again a red flag...the product has been tested for as much as 4 years, and something as simple as that has not been tested? That`s scary...

    "I have applied this coating to single stage paint and it appears to now hold up against polishing in the sense that very little paint is being pulled."

    If any paint is pulled then the coating is completely gone in that area...if it slows the transfer, that would indicate a presence of something, but also that the coating takes on swirls (or the polishing wouldn`t be needed). Mixed thoughts on that.

    I have been a huge fan of the few Optimum products I have tried, and I anxiously await more revealing information on this mystery product.

    I read things like this and I wonder if people are actually reading or just posting up stuff based on emotions?

    You stated:

    Also, there was an explanation by Anthony in which through up SEVERAL red flags to me..."First, a car DOES NOT need to be clayed nor polished, ever really. Of course, as you noted, this depends greatly on how the car is treated, driven and stored. A car, kept as a garage queen, may never need to be waxed, especially if cared for properly." Really couldn`t disagree much more on that. Every car, loved for or not will require claying...just at different intervals based on variables, X, Y, Z etc

    Sir, you obviously did not read my statement in its context. You make the statement that you disagree that a car DOES NOT need to be clayed or polished. You claim that every car will need claying....."just at different intervals based on variables, x, y z etc."

    Tell me please how is that any different than me stating:

    Of course, as you noted, this depends greatly on how the car is treated, driven and stored. A car, kept as a garage queen, may never need to be waxed, especially if cared for properly.

    I highlighted the words "depends" and "may" because I never made an absolute statement that cars NEVER need to be clayed because there are factors to always consider, such as "x,y and z".

    Do you believe all I do all day is hang around and test products? My words, "not yet confirmed" does not mean it has not been tested but it has not been FULLY tested. The Sonus clay, being very mild, seemed to have little to no effect on it. Have I tested all types or grades of clay? Nope, I sure haven`t.

    Lastly, I again, NEVER stated that the coating will NOT take on added swirls and scratches but that it MAY......again, *MAY* help to reduce them and their severity.

    I am not a scientist nor a chemist so if you want a "technical" explanation on HOW and WHY it works then call Doctor G. and ask him. It then makes me wonder if you ask for a technical explanation from everyone who posts on a product and/or seek that information from the manufacturers of all the products you use?

    "The Art & Science of Auto Detail"

  11. #56

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    Quote Originally Posted by JoshVette
    Sorry, but this "new coating" sounds no different to me then some of the long lasting sealents out on the market. You say it is a polymer product but with new technology (even though you don`t claim to know what that "new technology" is) but everything I`m reading is telling me it`s just another long lasting polymer sealant that is marketed differently.

    IMO, the fact that you guys are marketing it to dealerships and not detailers tells me alot as well. A truely great product will sell like crazy to detailers as we are informed and knowledgable in this area but dealerships are not and there`s no real way to prove the protection or keep accountable the 3 year evidence on a customers car.


    Josh, what have you been reading? What is everyone reading here because no one seems to be reading this thread.

    This coating IS being marketed to detailers and not dealers. The detailers in turn can then use the coating......or any coating for that matter, as an UPSELL to their clients as well as dealers.

    Again this is not a sealant in the traditional sense but the bottom line is that every product will have its skeptics, and that`s cool.....that`s America. Until people actually use it though their claims are only speculation.

    "The Art & Science of Auto Detail"

  12. #57

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alfisti
    Great sounding product with multiple markets.

    Do we have a *rough* ETA?

    We are testing soon one more method of application. The product is ready for sale but one more last minute idea will be tested.

    Quote Originally Posted by jimmie jam
    well, after spending the time to read this entire thread a couple of things stand out. 1) the original poster has spent ALOT of time/effort defending his statements. 2) the "information" is seemingly incomplete at best after repeated attemps to explain it. 3) the product just doesn`t make sense if you are in the "business" of car care. 4) the claims seem a little "over the top" given the real world of how the vast majority of car owners care for and use their vehicles. 5) this is just another "version" of the snake oil that`s been around since the 1970`s, IMHP. and last but not least, time is money. why spend so much time trying to defend this "new" product? it`s a sale thread, that`s why. this is just MY opinion. what ever floats your boat. :nervous::tumblewee :birthday:

    Hey jimmie, excuse my bluntness here but my original post is about what? Is it about how and why this product works? Nope, it`s about how detailers can increase their profits using this coating. Obviously some people want to know more about it and I have done my best to explain it.

    So I am attempting to reply as best I can BUT what would be the response from others, perhaps yourself, if I ignored all those posts? I would then be called all kinds of names so I am damned by you if I reply and then damned if I wouldn`t. Tell me please what should I do? You may seek to reply to this and "defend" your original post, correct? Nothing wrong with that so don`t get on me for doing the same.

    The rest of your post is again speculation because you have not yet used the product.

    "The Art & Science of Auto Detail"

  13. #58

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmie jam
    why spend so much time trying to defend this "new" product?
    Because so many are bashing this product with little intelligence. :argue

    Rather than not understanding Anthony O`s posts, I don`t understand the `bashing ` posts.

    Really guys, take a cold shower and re-read the thread. :ignore

  14. #59

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    Anthony -

    Thanks for sharing what you can about Optimum`s new product. It`s unfortunate that some of the people here can`t understand you can`t disclose 100% of the details at this moment in time. Obviously, being a tester for the product, you only know so much and since it`s still in the development stages, only so many details can be shared.

    From what I`ve seen and heard, it looks like a very interesting and possibly very profitable product for professional detailers.

    I look forward to hearing and seeing more about this product.

    Driven Auto Detail

  15. #60

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    Quote Originally Posted by JoshVette
    Sorry, but this "new coating" sounds no different to me then some of the long lasting sealents out on the market. You say it is a polymer product but with new technology (even though you don`t claim to know what that "new technology" is) but everything I`m reading is telling me it`s just another long lasting polymer sealant that is marketed differently.

    I would not be surprised if Dr. G is being quiet on the ingredients in this product and how they work to protect the trade secrets that went into making the product. The last thing I would want to do is invest large sums of money, time and effort into a product only for its technology to be released and my competitors to have an easy way to make a competing product which is only different enough to prevent patent infringement but ultimately is a competing product they achieved easily by learning what I put a lot of effort into creating.

    This is not new. When I audited large manufacturing companies, many of their products were made in a way that was a carefully guarded secret. All the employees who were involved signed cofidentiality agreements to prevent them from leaking the information. I had to sign that confidentiality agreement because part of my testing procedures involved that manufacturing process. So did their customers know EXACTLY how the product worked, no. Did they still have confidence in the product due to customer reviews and their own testing of the product, yes.

    This is similar to detailing products. Do I know how Collinite is so durable unlike 95% of other carnauaba waxes, no. Would I still trust using it based upon the recommendations of guys like Accumulator, of course. So I plan on having an open mind on the product and just see what others say about the product when they post their reviews on this board and at that point, I can make a decision if this product is for me.

    Quote Originally Posted by JoshVette
    IMO, the fact that you guys are marketing it to dealerships and not detailers tells me alot as well. A truely great product will sell like crazy to detailers as we are informed and knowledgable in this area but dealerships are not and there`s no real way to prove the protection or keep accountable the 3 year evidence on a customers car.


    This product may not be for the car that is polished twice a year like many of the cars that most of the posters on here deal with. But, for 99% of cars on the road which never get polished or clay once, this may be the perfect product for them. My uncle may be a good candidate for this product. He has terrible arthritis in his hands and claying/polishing/and waxing are out of the question. Washing his Corvette is difficult enough. Four and a half years ago (when I knew absolutely nothing about detailing) he had Zxilon (whatever it is called) put on his car for free. Due to the arthritis (and the fact that it was free) it was probably a sound decision for him. His Vette still looks pretty good. Would a paint correction detail make it look better, of course. Does it look better than the majority of 4-5 year old cars on the road, yes. So I would say this Optimum coating would be a pretty good idea for him


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