
as many of you already know I sent an email to G.E.T. G and received a response for samples. Today I got home from a hard day at the Hospital and saw a large box awaiting for me. Whats this I thought maybe my wife ordered some more abc or avon? Surely not avon in a large box like that, we`d have enough makeup and crap for a year!

Nope not any of that, it was G.E.T. G and the samples I requested for review. So this thread is dedicated to there products. Tomorrow sometime I will be doing a video review if I can get a decent camera, we will all see first hand how ALL of there stuff performs. I mean after all video doesn`t lie, and no trick photography here. Just straight up unedited video and hell some photo`s for good measure! But for starters here is what they sent me

This is a top shot of the box...yes it was 31 lbs I was shocked....thats ALOT of stuff

internal packaging, everything wrapped up nicely and no damaged goods.

They sent 2 of everything they had to offer..these were what I felt to be interior products....(well and a glass rain repellant (think rainx here))

Here is what else I got....From tire cleaners/brake dust shield (sealant)/tire shine/car wash/etc...2 of everything again

A huge day tomorrow for me....testing everything :woot: