I needed to clean some water spots off our shower glass so I had a few products read (PB PP, DP Glass Polish, A-MAZ) and my UDM with a 4-in orange pad. I also had some terry cloth applicators.

I first tried to various products by hand and also by machine. It seemed like nothing was working. I finally got A-MAZ (a thick paste product) to actually get some results by hand and the terry cloth towel with a very small work area and some significant passion. So I was ready for the machine.

I then switched to the UDM once I thought I had the trick. Well, the UDM did not work as well as the hand/terry applicator unless I cleaned the pad after each panel and use a tremendous amount of pressure.

What I learned is how much a terry applicator and hand can do in terms of bite (and damage on the wrong surface. I wonder if there was different pad (PFW?) that I could have used.