Adam’s Polishes UV Ceramic Paint Coating

I wanted to give this newest offering a try. It applies easy, fast flash time, easy removal, very slick feeling afterwards, stated 5 year durability, and the UV additive is a neat feature. It’s not something I would use, however I can see the benefit for a beginner to coatings-especially on a light colored vehicle where it may be more difficult to see your coating application/removal.

The supplied UV light does indeed light up the coating, and show where it was applied as well as any high or missed spots. I attempted to document this feature the best I could with my photos.

The kit comes with everything you would need: coating, coating prep, ceramic boost for maintenance, applicators, removal towels.

This coating darkened the paint as others do. Very glossy looking.

Bottom line, if the durability is even half of the claimed length, I feel that this may be a viable coating choice.

Onto the pics:

On the vehicle/paint: