One of the first things I judge a product on is, does it do what it claims it will do. Well, heres what I did. Scrubbed the multiple areas with a degreaser, came back and did a thorough 50/50 alcohol wipedown. Applied the product to front and rear bumpers, door handles, rear view mirror housings, came back later and wiped it down again ensuring thin coats and even coverage. Yes, this product does make your black trim look excellent, theres the good news. The bad news: The back of the bottle says and I quote "imparting a rich, dark matte finish that lasts for months." My tests show about 14-17 days. I did see 2 periods of rain in that time, this tells me the rain pretty much deteriorated the wow. Conclusion: Initial appearance A-, Durability D+, price D+. The product in my view does not live up to the claim of "months", not even close. If you have perfect weather, no rain, no morning dew, etc, you might get months, but thats a theoretical statement. A product, quite frankly, I would not buy again, considering you can do the same thing with much much cheaper products.