We have all heard the statement about the glass being half full or half empty, I am sure.

What it means that if the glass is half full you are an optimist and approach things with a positive outlook to the futer.

On the other hand if you are a "glass is half empty" person you look at things in a negative way.

Here is a good exercise in viewing your perspective. If you are presented new ideas or concepts how do you react. Do you recite a list of reasons "Why It Won`t Work?"

Here are a number of reasons "why it won`t work:"

1. We tried that before.

2. My business is different

3. It costs too much

4. I am too busy to do that.

5. That is too radical a change

6. I don`t have the time

7. Don`t have enough help

8. My market area is too small

9. It is not practical for my customers

10. Customers will never buy it

11. I have never done that before

12. That is too ivory tower for me

13. Let`s get back to reality

14. Why change? What I do works

15. I don`t like the idea/concept/tool

16. You`re right, but.....

17. Way ahead of my time.

18. I am not ready for that

19. Can`t teach an old dog new tricks

20. Good, but seems impractical

21. Let me think about it

22. Not that again

23. I would loose money

24. I am doing ok without it

25. Who else is doing it/using it?

26. My customers won`t like it

27. Don`t see the relevance

28. It might work in your detail business, but not mine

29. Let me sleep on it

30. Too much trouble to change.

31. Won`t pay for itself

32. I know a guy who tried it and it did not work

33. It is impossible

34. We have always done it this way

35. I`ll get back to you

36. Wait until business improves.

Honestly, have you ever thought or said any of these things when looking at a new idea; way of detailing; and a new tool or piece of equipment? If you have you may want to re-evaluate your thinking process and try to be a "Glass is Half-Full" in your thinking, it will serve you well in business.


Bud Abraham