In the 1960s, metallic hues ignited the marketplace with a colour explosion –
70`s there were also plenty of neutrals on vehicles.
80`s white was the top vehicle choice, and then you started seeing red and black – especially in the compact market
90`s were really interesting: it started with white being the strong colour and in the mid-nineties, dark hunter green – like the Ralph Lauren green – became very popular across vehicle segments.
Through 2000 to 2010 silver was dominant.
That was when all the new technology began in electronics and everything silver was kind of a futuristic colour.........for the last couple years it’s been white, which is also connected with futurism.”

looking at both my ipad and iphone now...i have to agree...going for white

but....nodoy says it is easy to keep a white pants white....or a white shoes white...more over a white car white in Tropic climate in malaysia

and time past the car is 3 years old

look at the dirt accumalated

more dirt

rear bumper - dirt and tars picked up

3years old white isnt white anymore

but the effort of keeping the car is enornemousand consuming

My intention is to have the best prtection available to keep this babe going for a long long time,

menu for the day
einszett Anti Insect + Pre-Cleaner

wash down with Einzett (lotos Power Chaum) PH neutral Shampoo - super slick and effortless rinse off

Clay with Polish angel Clay Bar with Polish angel Baby Clay lube body
correction - Einzett Paint Polish

coated with Polish Angel

Glass Opti Glass coated

Interior - Polish Angel - Bellaclean
Leather Coated with Opti Coat

as I only had 7 hours to complete the car inside out

lets the work begin

more stains of dirt collected over the years

the stains collected for the past 3 years

after properly clean



before the tars stains


stains collected behind the close door

door jam before

door jams after clean





always begin your body surface prep with clay

power of clay


my correction tools Krestel

my backing plate

close up birds poo

scratches before



deep cleansing begins


can you spot the different - oily and oiless

a 50/50% area done for comparision

arm rest is one of the most stainted area

look at what I have picked up from the interior



