so a good friend of mine finally got his car back yesterday. Its an `00 Integra GSR. He had it painted vivid blue pearl which is from an 05 rsx. Just because I feel like being a nice guy, and because i want to make this car look the best that it can, i decided while he`s away at school in tallahassee, im going to detail the car for him. The car is kept outside 24/7 under a carport and has a weathershield HD car cover on top of it so its mostly protected from the elements. and with florida`s mild winters, i really want to put on products that go for mostly looks vs durability.

recently there was a thread about lsp advice for a world rally blue pearl wrx. that color is quite similar to the color on the integra. the wrx owner decided to go for an AIO/UPPx2/Natty`s Blue combo. would this be the best bet for this car? the products i currently have are: aio, vm, rmg, upp, souveran, nxt, #26, #16, natty`s blue, ocw (i think thats it anyways )

He`s already washed it twice so there is some swirling (non-autopian wash method :sadpace: ). I was thinking of just going over the car with opt polish first to eliminate the swirls.

pics/modlist of the teg can be seen here: