Sounds like punks vandalizing cars. :angry

I had a strange thing happen to my car. I was washing it last week and was on the stepladder hosing off the roof when I saw what looked like a leaf sticking up between the trim and roof. Turns out it was a razor blad that had been stuck in with the blade sticking straight up! :shocked Had I ran my hand along the top of the roof I would surely have gotten cut up really bad, plus had to get a tetanus shot since it was rusted.

I don`t know if someone stuck it up there as a "prank" or if it was put there inadvertantly last month by someone at the bodyshop when the rear hatch was repainted. I`m thinking that maybe they stuck it there while working on the car and forgot about it but I don`t recall seeing there when I inspected the car before taking it home. Then again, I wasn`t standing on a stepladder looking down on the car.

The way things are these days it wouldn`t surprise me if some punk went around sticking razor blades in between the trim of people`s cars. If so, I`m just glad they didn`t decided to run the blade down the side of the car first.