
I am studying all of the sites and threads so I get this right, as I can`t do this all the time (wish I could!).

Here`s what I`m planning:

1) Wash/dry/clay

2) FI-II on a WHITE PAD from with PC set to 5, then wash/dry.

3) (if necessary) 3M SMR on BLACk PAD (from Proper) with PC set to 5, then wash/dry.

4) Apply Zaino Z2/ZFX with RED CONCOURS PAD (Proper).

5) Apply Zaino Z6 and buff down with MFT

6) Repeat 4-5.

Should I be mixing in layers of Zaino Z5? I hear Z2 is the star of the show.

So how is my plan? Is it sound?

Thanks again for all your help, guys.
