Hi guys, i wanna try something new, and ive been thinking. Before i start i should probably say i have a black car with clear coat. I was wondering if anyone had ever put EX-P on top of some #16 or the other way around? Or what about EX-P and #26, either on top or under it? I dont know how it would look, thats why im asking. I really like the wet look that #26 gives me, but i havent tried #16 or EX-P yet, but it seems that a lot of people are sold on EX-P for dark cars. Well, give me your imput guys, youre the pros. What`dya thank? Good idea, bad idea, other alternatives? ANything, i was just thinking that maybe EX-P under some #26 would be cool cause EX-P sounds like it lasts a long time where as #26 doesnt last forever (bout 2-3 months in my experience). WHo knows, tell me what ya think.