Considering I`ve been getting PM`s asking me to outline my official SG application/removal technique, I thought I would go ahead and start a thread that covers exactly how I perform wipe on, wipe off.

My technique is pretty simple.

In order to apply SG using wipe on, wipe off, you should do the following:

1. Take a terry covered foam applicator and spray it with water.

I initially recommended spraying the applicatior with a non-carnuba QD or water. I`ve changed my mind about this. Just stick to good old tap water. Too many different QD`s out there that give different results.

Squeeze the applicator as much as you can so that most of the water is gone. All you should have is a slightly damp applicator. This will make the SG more pliable.

2. Apply a couple of drops of SG to your applicator and apply it to a section of your car (1/3 of the hood, half of the roof, etc) in a front to back motion. Once you have covered the whole section with SG, immediately wipe off the residue with a DRY charisma or MF towel in a front to back motion.

3. Repeat step 2 for every section until the whole car is done.


- As mentioned before, wipe the SG off immediately, no dry time is necessary.

- The SG should wipe off very easily leaving behind a slick, smooth, and glossy finish.

- You should use no more than 1oz. of SG per coat on a regular size car (BMW 3 Series, Mercedes-Benz C-Class)

- Only perform step 1 one time, before applying SG to the first panel. You do NOT need to spritz your applicator with water before applying SG to each section. Once you apply SG to a couple of sections the applicator will be wet enough with SG, negating the need for more water.

-Do not use any water or QD to aid in removal of SG. This will just cause the klasse SG to develop an oily haze/film down the road. I`ve also experienced this.

-Wait AT LEAST 24 hours before applying another coat of SG. SG needs time to cure and bond to your paint surface. I would personally wait a week. If you`ve driven the car ANYWHERE, then wash it before applying the next layer, or else you will just re-swirl your car.

-Put on three coats of SG, and you will be good to go.

-If you desire more warmth and depth in your paint, then apply a pure carnuba wax (no cleaner waxes) a week after you’ve applied the third layer of SG. Make sure you wash before you wax. You may experience some streaking or ghosting of the wax. I did, but it wasn’t enough to bother me. This is because SG and carnuba (any carnuba) don’t entirely get along. Consider yourself warned.

That`s it!

Any questions, let me know.


edit: I added some more points to the notes section.

edit Jan 1/04: I am now recommending against misting the applicator with QD. Mist it with water instead. Too many QD`s give too many different results.

edit May 11/04: If you decide to put a wax topper over your SG, ensure it is a pure carnuba wax without cleaners. The cleaners in a cleaner wax will strip off your SG, resulting in a wasted effort.