applied zaino to the wheels last week end. the diret that had accumulated since then washed mostly off whith a hose! I washwed the remaining dirt off with a sponge in the left over zaino wash from my the paint.

I remember reading that someone else tried this and wasn`t happy with the results. I`d like to suggest that perhaps they used wheel cleaner at some point and that the wheel cleaner cleaned off the zaino. I`ll see how good it does over time but if it goes well, I`m going to remove the wheels and do a complete job.

a week after applying zaino for the first time, I washed my car with Z7. the paint fealt much slicker than the medallion did after the first week. applying Z6 made it even slicker. it`s as aslick or maybe slicker than what it fealt like last week.

I`m starting to believe the hype but still want to watch it for a while.