Originally Posted by
What did the PPF Installer say when you told him about it ? He damaged your paint, he needs to make it right again, and this has to be done by the best Porsche Dealership or Shop that has the best painter... You will know he is good because you are going to ask to see a lot of his work, especially on correcting razor scratches, first, before you let anyone near this...
I personally do not think any amount of polishing is going to help this because it may have gone all the the way through that clear topcoat.
If I remember correctly, some Porsche paint was a little hard and some was medium...
Sorry this had to happen to your beautiful car...
You would think that an experienced PPF installer would know the difference in "feel" when cutting the plastic and cutting something plus the plastic...
Is there a way to check if they have a lot of complaints, etc., from other Clients ???