So I have had 2 machines go down in the past couple weeks.

First up was my new Flex XFE7-15. I first used this machine on the episode of Competition Ready that I was a part of and really liked it!!
This machine is jinxed! I had a backing plate (5") fail on me while using it and thank goodness there was no damage!! I have since put the stock plate back on.
While using it, it was getting pretty warm/hot and then it all of a sudden just lost power. Any amount of pressure applied to the machine would kill it and it would stop working.

I contacted Flex and they had me return it to them. (it`s still under warranty) Couple weeks later, boom, package from Flex arrives with a brand new machine in it! Awesome, thanks Flex!

I`ve been using it since I`ve received it back without any issues. I hope that it continues to perform like it is now!

So after my Flex took a dump, I switched over to my Rupes LHR21 MkII. It works like a dream and was doing just that...until I dropped it and broke the front end/handle off of it. Darn!! The machine was still useable, but very uncomfortable! I contacted Rupes and they had me return it.

Rupes literally rebuild my whole machine with a laundry list of parts that were replaced! Their flat fee is $85.00 and I felt that this is extremely fair due to it being my error in breaking it.
I just received notice yesterday that it shipped out and I should be receiving it back next week! I can`t wait to get my hands on it again and see what a `new` Rupes feels like! LOL

So there you have my polisher drama!!!