Hey Gents,

Ever since Anthony Orosco posted about using an air brush to apply Opti-seal years ago, I`ve been interested in giving it a shot myself. Especially since Opti-coat hit the market. If you have any experience applying a WOWA sealant with an air brush, would you mind posting your thoughts/experience with the process?

I know that it uses a *ton* more product to do it this way, but honestly, that doesn`t concern me in the least; it takes however much it takes.

Some pointers for buying a cheap air brush that does a decent job of this would be great, too.

WOWA sealants have always been an enigma for me; on the rare occasion that I`ve been able to apply them well, the results have been stunning. Unfortunately, it is truly a rare occasion that I get them applied perfectly.

Kinda off topic (hope I don`t sidetrack my own thread by posting this, but....), I find it very interesting that Optimum does not recommend using Opti-coat on windshields, stating that it may interfere with glass`s optical properties (or words similar to that effect). That pretty much summarizes my experiences with WOWA sealants on both paint and glass: I`m just not able to get an optically perfect surface.

Optimum`s statement of not using it on glass makes me think that that`s also the case on paint....if you can`t get perfect optical results using it on glass, can you really expect anything different on the paint itself? Probably not. That`s where the interest in *spraying* it on comes in. IMO, it would be far easier to get a smoother, closer to optically perfect finish by spraying on WOWA sealants rather than wiping them on. Kinda like painting... if you want the smoothest result, you spray a paint on a surface rather than wiping it on with some sort of media.

I certainly don`t mean to start a flame fest with the above statements. I know that there`s a ton of very talented people out there that are getting *great* results without an air brush, and that`s great! Unfortunately, I simply am not talented enough with WOWA application to be one of you. For us ham-fisted WOWA`ers, the alternative of spraying the stuff on sounds like it just might work. I wish I could find the thread where Anthony showed pictures of the air brush Opti-Seal application, and the absolutely jaw dropping results. Think of spraying a layer of extremely glossy clear coat on your car. Yeah, it was just like that.

I kinda like the thought of that.... spraying a layer of even glossier clear coat (opti-coat) over the top of your already sprayed on clear coat...

Thanks in advance for any pointers/help.
