Hello detailing enthusiast!

I own a 1997 911/993 Porsche Gemballa it has had a second Black paint job that is fair to mid-land and does polish out pretty good. I can`t really color-sand the paint because I know it is thin in some spots. The car sits outside covered while I`m at work, I don`t own a garage. I only take the car out on the weekends.

I have this "marring" where the wind blows the car cover when it is windy outside, leaving marks on the Porsche, any suggestions on how I could get rid of this with my Porter Cable (first time using it), pad choice/size and cut, polish and wax combination I would like to stay with Sonus (waxes and polishes) as well as pad choice if I could.. I need to know a good step-by-step process that works best for this and keeping the car up! Eventually, I`ll be moving and getting a well deserved garage for my investment., I have been all over this site reading this, that and the third thing. What paint cleaner/polish I should use to start and pads???.

The vehicle doesn`t really have any oxidation through the paint only very light swirl marks, some cob-webbing alittle haze. So, what I am am interested in doing is bring the car up to where it can look it`s best. All Advise welcomed!