Note that you can use the Anti-Rust over lightly surface-rusted metal too. It sticks very well and retards (if not arrests) the corrosion. While I`m not a big fan of doing things in a half-@$$ed manner, when it comes to doing this stuff to areas like undercarriages *IMO* you really can get away with it when you`re using good products. Just do some degree of surface prep (remove dirt, grease, loose rust) and you should be OK.

Buy more of the Anti-Rust than you think you`ll need. If you buy the bulk containers (and apply with a spray gun), get some aerosol cans anyhow to use for touch ups. The Rust Ecmnapsulator seems to go pretty far with good coverage, so you won`t need gallons of it. I can`t really say how much you oughta get though, I don`t keep track of how much I use