The Guz enjoys using their primer polishes - fine, medium, course. The nice thing about their primer polishes you don`t need to wait for them to cure before you apply the LSP/coating. Labocosmetica`s super fine polish fiero is the same.
Expensive products however. Dr. Beasley`s. Not sure if its across the board but the products i looked at were all on the higher end of the market.
Personally, I`m moving the vast majority of my products over to labocosmetica - a number of my products are up for re-stock. For a DIYer they have some very good concentrated products. Leale their medium polish is just as good as sonax perfect finish. I think it might cut a bit more as well.
I already have primus, purifica, omina, vitreo, semper and leale. All excellent products.
The iron remover looks to be the best on the market if it does what they say it does. And it too is concentrated.
They have a new tire dressing coming out soon that will be my next dressing. And under their manic line they are releasing a new Rinseless wash. Again my next rinseless for sure. (Initially i liked absolute but its not the easiest to dry and it just feels cheap to me - like all the P&S stuff. I prefer DIY between the two.)
The new packaging is some of the coolest packaging I ever seen as well. Which frankly is something i look for in a brand.