I recently watched the above video and was stunned. Could this be the future of Turtle Wax? Last I used the stuff was 30 years ago, when "Hard Shell" meant "Hard to work with for Meh, results." Have times changed!

Pan the Organizer did a video with a showdown between Meguiar`s Hybrid Ceramic Wax, Mother`s CMX and Turtle Wax ICE Seal N Shine. I watched figuring I knew what was going to happen, boy, I was WRONG.

Long story short, I went out in the middle of the night after watching the video to my 24 hour Walmart and bought 2 bottles. I`ve since put two coats on my Camaro, which is black and highly polished, not expecting to SEE a real difference, but again, I was wrong.This stuff comes as close to a "Wipe on, Walk Away" product as I have ever tried. Mist a SMALL amount on the paint, buff it in with a clean/dry microfiber (you might need more than one microfiber to do a whole car, I used 2 on the first coat until I learned what "SPARINGLY" meant) and you`re done.

They don`t list any kind of cure time with this hybrid, but still I waited almost 16 hours before the second coat and I was able to go even thinner on the application and it was EASIER (if that`s possible) to apply. The normally exceptional finish on my car now looks like a pool of oil under the moonlight.

In addition to paint, you can use this stuff on glass, plastic and trim and talk about SLICK!!! I can`t wait to see how long it stands up to Mother Nature, but it`s so easy and enjoyable to us, I can see myself using this as a post-wash (not a drying aid), but as a post wash wipe down, just like you would do at a car show.

All this for the bargain BASEMENT price of $6.97 a bottle at Walmart ($12 at other auto parts stores. So far I`ve used the first bottle on 2 cars ... the Camaro twice and a large, black SUV (Honda Pilot) and I still have enough to coat my car twice more.

It`s been raining since I applied it to my car so no pics as of yet, but they will be coming ... my neighbor`s Honda is sitting in the rain now and it`s beading like crazy.

I`m sure by now you already know which of the three I`m talking about, but I still can`t bring myself to say it, I`m still shocked-I have NEVER before run out and bought something after seeing a video demonstration, but this time ....

Watch the above video and see for yourself, then let me know what you think.