There is a great following for Shine Supply products and now that spring is here, or near, I thought I would dip my toe and see how the water is.

Their polishes are loved by most anyone who uses them, I ordered their Classic Polish but this post isnt really about the polish, which is very nice, no dust AT ALL, yadda yadda its awesome. This post is about their Clutch silica spray.

The other day it had rained in the AM with the temps only reaching maybe 44. The sun never poked through once, so it was raw out. The previous week was rain rain wind and snow. The jeep was filthy.

From the manufacturer:

Anyhow this is getting long winded, as I mentioned it was very cool and cloudy. This is what Clutch looks like in those conditions

I wont lie, I was nervous at this point, according to the video in under a minute it should wipe off. Well it didnt, it pushed around. Oh boy, so I did the whole jeep, why not right. After going around I came back to the hood and it was starting to remove in an acceptable manner, so I gave it another 5 minutes! I did struggle under these conditions to remove it, and I would probably not use it in temps that low with no sun again lol! Its an ocd thing I think.

It was nice out today and I went over my truck with it and the flashing and removal was a breeze. Easy on easy off. Took another buffing towel, but it didnt streak AT ALL in direct sunlight, even on the windshield. Was such a relief actually.

This is all it took to do a once around on the Jeep.

I applied it to this trim piece to see how it holds up, I think it looks great, hope it lasts, would be a bonus!

The feeling on the paint with Clutch on it is more of a nuba, maybe even how Z2p used to feel kinda of buttery, but not slick like Z8 would. Its a pleasant feeling, buttery and I think the looks are more in line with a nuba than a clear shine like a few other products produce.

Might be hard to see online but in person the Jeep had a much warmer look to it, flake popped great.

Ill save the best for last....

This product is the best smelling product Ive ever used period. Z8 is one of my favorite smelling....its one of my favorite products period, but Clutch smells better then Z8. If I had to put my finger on a flavor would be like christmas cookie, or cup cake or something like that. During final wipe down the paint held the smell as well. I dont know how many revisions it took to nail that down but it was worth it!

In conclusion

No streaks when warm out
Smells like cupcake
Looks like a nuba, to me
Supposed to last 6 months or so
paint feels buttery after
Price is similar to other products

Two step process, wipe on, let flash, wipe off
Difficult if you use in the cold when everyone else is inside drinking hot chocolate
Not as slick to apply as reload
Needs to be shaken once as it separates slightly (con?)