well first of all i like 425 but i think i gotta take it for what it is and thats a basic qd, on my television screen works like a dream, but ive used it several times at night on my car and this being pollen season i was expecting a little more than well...nothing. my truck has the same product steps in it my c320 does aside from the 425. i 425 the thing bidaily almost. anyhow i decided to leave em both out overnite and compare in the morning, i mean very little to no signs of an added antistatic anything. i love it between menz line and mixing with wax and whatnot but was i expecting too much outta this stuff? i mean i was considering offering it as an addon this season but i dont see how i can do so. well i was gonna vent on upp vs klasse sg as far as longevity is concerned but ill start a new thread sees how ive now completed this book.

main q guys...was i expecting too much out of this delisciously bubble gum flavored product?