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Thread: Car Cover

  1. #1

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    I`m not sure if this is 100% the right forum for this one, but it didn`t seem to fit anywhere else. Can anyone recomend a good car cover for a LX 470 that can sit outside sometimes for weeks at a time? Something very weather resistant, that is also soft on the inside and won`t scratch.

  2. #2

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    Dr. Jones- You might want to check out Beverly Hills Motoring Accessories (sorry, I forget their website addy) and The California Car Cover Company (link ). They both have the kind of cover you`re looking for.

    It`s not so much a matter of the COVER scratching your vehicle as it is a matter of something getting between the cover and your paint. The vehicle (and the cover) need to be clean when you put it on.

  3. #3

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    I like the evolution IV covers. They are a little bulky but hold up well in the wind and offer some protection against falling objects and door bangers.

  4. #4

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    Covercraft makes awesome covers. Check their site. I think it is

  5. #5

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    Dr.Jones:Try the Weathershield or Weathershield HD offered by CMA. I use the Weathershield on my car and outside of some residual moisture that can build up on damp mornings its worked great. Also can wash in a regular size washing machine if it gets really dusty.

    I did a lot of checking around on prices before I settled on CMA.

  6. #6

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    I`m in about the same boat as Dr. Jones. No garage. 1975 vintage/championship Jag. Office is next to a very very active railroad. Because I have a life, there`s no way I`m going to QD the car every night when I get home. I`ve been wanting a cover for months now, but very confused about all the mfr claims and Autopian guidance.

    I know the sources of car covers, but would appreciate hearing from folks about specifically which type (Noah, Weathershield, Evolution, etc.) you would recommend for the situation. Or whether just exposing her to the elements is better than covering her. :nixweiss

  7. #7

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    Lynn- First let me express my for how you keep your XJC so nice without a garage! Just mind-boggling.

    I`ll let someone more knowledgeable comment on the newer materials. I used Evolution IV (as I recall, maybe III, long ago) on black, white and silver cars. Every car I used one on got scratches from it, no matter what I tried. Otherwise they were OK, except when very wet (sorta heavy, sorta messy, water that seeped through mixed with dust, etc). They did require a larger washing machine than my home one.

    Some negatives to consider:

    What to do with the cover when its wet and dirty?

    How to avoid scratching the car without washing/QDing all the time?

    What about dressing transfer from the wheels (and vinyl top if you replace it)?

    Those negatives against the self-evident points in favor (you sure don`t want to cook that interior). :nixweiss

    FWIW, I might start covering the Volvo, but I don`t care too much about a few more scratches on IT.

  8. #8

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    Gosh, thanks, Accumulator. Yeah, life without a garage for this baby sucks.

    And, indeed, scratching is my big concern. So far, she`s scratch-free. (But, then, she`s only 28 years old so whaddaya expect. )

    As for your questions: Yeah, that`s exactly it. If I come home after a long trip late at night, I am not gonna be out there QD`ing. And sometimes just coming home from work, I`m not in the mood to QD.

    So ... anybody else want to weight in here on the pros and cons that Accumulator has well outlined?

  9. #9

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    Thanks ejant! Been a looong time lurker, finally decided to post. Accumulator has some valid concerns. With something like Weathershield because of its material you can machine wash in regular size washing machine. I use this for my Landcruiser with no problems.Secondly, use the California Duster, on a dry surface. It takes 2 minutes to do the truck. If its late at night and there`s moisture on the truck, I`ll pass and just wash the truck at a later time. I use the CCD every day and QD every 3 or 4 days. When I have a damp car cover in the morning, I`ll peel it off and put it on a flat surface in the garage preferably another car with a cover . By the time I get home the cover is dry.

  10. #10

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    Marine Clerk- Hey, I forgot to say Welcome To Autopia! BTW, it`s cool that you lurked for a while to get the lay of the land prior to posting, I did the same. Thanks for the info on the Weathershield. If you can wash a Landcruiser-size one at home it must be pretty reasonable as far as bulk and weight.



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