While visiting a friend this weekend, a neighborhood kitty leapt up on the hood of my car. When Cat landed on the angled front portion of the hood, it obviously scrambled like mad, and slip, slided, and clawed away....leaving several scuff marks on the hood. Sigh. Unfortunately, I missed seeing the actual spring, as this would have made for some good video?

I recently applied BF gloss enhancing polish (after stripping car with Dawn & Distilled water). After curing, I applied two coats of BF Wet Diamond, allowing 48 hours, or more, between coats. The final coat was 9 days ago.

Now, my super-slick finish is marred by one panicked kitty. Yesterday, I tried applying one coat of BF Midnight Sun Carnuba Paste W, following a wash,...hoping to hide the scuffed areas (no deep scratches, thankfully). No such luck. Rest of the car looks amazing,...but hood still shows "skid streaks".

How can I repair the damage? Strip the one section of the hood? Or, re-apply polish, then more BF WD? Hoping to not re-do the entire hood. Is there another product that would be better, for hiding the "skid marks"?
