Quote Originally Posted by OpenRoad View Post
Thanks, Y`all..!

I will try to be patient, and wait at least three months before applying product to the bumper. Shucks.

Don`t know, if I can stand waiting on the rest of the body. Our temps have dropped because of Monsoon Season, but they still hover pretty close to 100 every day, and I certainly could point the tail feathers into the afternoon sun. I can only imagine hooow hottt a black bumper must get in full sun exposure.

I presently have about 3000 mostly-fun miles on Hot Caddy, accrued in approximately one month of ownership. I have been washing the car with BF Conditioning Shampoo, and hitting a few buggy spots (not on the bumper) with Eimann Fabrik High Gloss Acrylic Shield following "baths".

Thanks, for all the tips and comments.......
Where do you live?!