I just bought a new, white car. I’m 73 years old, retired, but always busy. I really want to drive a CLEAN car every day. When I brought my new Honda CRV home I drove it in the garage, washed it, clay barred, gave it a coat of Zaino AIO, then two coats of Z-2 PRO. The car looks beautiful. I live in Illinois where it gets blasted with road salt, chemical deicers, and slush in the winter, and road tar, dust, and bugs in the summer. How do I keep this car clean daily? Tonight I drove to supper with my wife, came back to the garage and the rear of the car was covered with salt, etc. I got a bucket of clear water, sponged it off, rinsed, and wiped dry with a towel. I don’t mind doing this, and I suppose I’ll have to do it almost every time I take the car out. I’m ok with waxing maybe every three months or so, but will I destroy my wax faster doing a daily quick sponge? I’m not going to be a professional detailer or enter my Honda in a car show, but would like to keep it looking sharp by the simplest method possible. Do you folks have any advice for me, products to use or tips on cleaning. I appreciate any advice.
