This Father`s Day, I decided to `gift` my dad with a detailing. His `vette has sat in his garage for the last several years and he is just starting to work on it again after retiring and fixing up his house. The car was a theft recovery when he bought it 15 years ago, and it was a mess! Apparently even the person who owned the car before it was stolen didn`t take very good care of it.

I didn`t take any pics of the white interior, but trust me, it was nasty. I wasn`t to sure about the paint, so I stayed with #82. Starting with a cutting pad on `6,` I went over the whole car (later I found that I probably could have used #83, but I`ll do that the next time). I followed the SFP with two coats of #20 & a polishing pad on `4.` The interior required almost a 1:1 Simple Green solution (even the leather...eewwww!!!)

Anyhow, here are the pics, a few before & direct sunlight (I tried to maximize the appearance of the swirls....the bigger pics show them better). There are still a fair amount of swirls & R.I.D.S. but the depth and gloss has improved dramatically.