I want to have a link sharing page on my website for other professionals that I respect and believe use proper practices and products. I don`t believe that anyone who knows me or has read my posts isn`t aware of what my "process" is and how important it is to me. I never put my name behind a product unless it is something that I would use on my own car and I would never recommend something to someone if I didn`t have faith in it myself.

If you have a website that you would like to have linked, or if you would just like to have your name and number on there, then let me know. I am going to allow the business name or owners name, phone number, website link, short paragraph, and a couple pictures for anyone who wants to be on it. I also have a number of email addresses that I can give out. I don`t have need of more than 2 or 3 for my purposes, so if you would like an ocdetails.com domain email address then you are more than welcome.

This is just my attempt to help make a directory of useful detailing information that you may use for anyone you feel can use it. I`m not saying that my way is the best way or the only way, but if what I have on my website is in line with what you belive, then I would be honored to be able to link you and offer my site as a place for you to perhaps gain customers. Please let me know if this is something that interests you. I already have a few detailers signed up and ready to go. There isn`t a cost or any expectation. I just thought it would be an interesting way of spreading the good word. www.ocdetails.com is the site if you want to check it out.