Well, Saturday night I decided to pull a couple of trim pieces off of the car and give them a good scrubbing. Pulled off the cowl (what a PITA!) and a piece of the truck (metal painted piece with trim along rear window edge attached). Scrubbed them with some Meg`s #39. Didn`t do a whole lot. The cowl piece actually looked great for the section that is under the hood (not exposed to sunlight). After seing this, I bought some black trim paint on Sunday. Painted the trim attached to the metal piece. Came out great. Couple of dust spots, but I am going to smooth those out. Painted the cowl last night. Peeked in the garage this morning before going to work and the damn paint was flaking off teh cowl!! I didn`t have a chance to see how bad it really is. I didn`t do any prep other than the cleaning. I didn`t want to prime it in case it didn`t come out that great, at least it would still all be black. Should I have done more prep? I have other pieces I would like to paint if I can`t find replacements or restore them by cleaning. Any help appreciated.