This is for you shop owners out there who have employees. Ok, I came to find out that 1 of my employees decided to open our shop up for a full detail on one of his friend`s cars for $100 this past Sunday. He didn`t ask or even inform me that this was being doen, it was my landlord that informed me of this. Well my employee decided he would give his cousin 50 bucks of it for helping him, and he would pocket the rest. I talk to his cousin quite often and his cousin told me about the detail thinking thta I already knew about it, and that I wouldn`t care, well he was wrong. I am pretty pissed off, he hasn`t come out for work the past 3 days, claiming he was sick, how many people get too sick to pick up a damn phone and call. I talked with my employee earlier today kinda hinting around that I knew that he had done something to see if he would save himself and tell me about it, well he didn`t. He did bring some of his own supplies to the shop to use for detailing, but not everything that he used, I pay for the rent utilites and all of the other supplies. So I have a couple of ways I think I am gonna handle this, first is to fire him, second is to hold his supplies until he pays me the 100 bucks for the detail he did, or if he doesn`t do that, threaten to prosecute him, and have him arrested.

What does everyone think, I have never had to deal with a problem of this sort. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you