Setec Astronomy- Heh heh, I did sorta ask an unaswerable Q there didn`t I?

I was wondering about the durability in the context of DutrowLLC`s being a Pro doing work for customers who will presumably have some expectations regarding durability...whatever those expectations may be.

Heh heh, nah..didn`t expect any such stuff to rival FK1000P, just wondered if they lasted longer than stuff like the D156. I`m doing that "just Spray[LSP] it" on my wife`s A8, and that wouldn`t be very good for DutrowLLC since I doubt his customers will want to do that every time the vehicle gets washed.

The UPP Spray, let alone the Garry Dean BIS, didn`t come close to lasting as long as OCW for me and I was curious about the ones you mentioned since I`ve never used them.

And yeah...I too have way too many products that I`ve, uhm...accumulated...that`re destined to just sit unused on the shelf. Sure wish somebody would take my M16 and (pre-VOC)476S off my hands before they completely dry out but ebaying `em really cheap only moved one tin of each.

Dr. Oldz- Hey, thanks for explaining that the Stoner`s is a Cleaner-Sealant.

Yeah, most products with cleaners do leave a white residue. And I`d sure be careful about using them on surfaces other than paint/metal.

DutrowLLC- Of course an Optimum Rep makes their lineup sound good

I`m gonna go out on a limb here (because everybody at Optimum walks on water in the opinions of most people) and caution you to be, uhm...skeptical in the sense of Good Science...about anything any vendor says about the product he`s associated with. (NO, not flaming/etc. and I hope I`m just being paranoid feeling I have to post that.)

[rant]Using OCW as a Clay Lube?!? I for one utterly *DESPISE* using leaves-stuff-behind products, any of `em, as Clay Lube! It *always* compromises my Claying and makes for tougher wipe-clean. I won`t even use GG SpeedShine for it, or the Showtime that Mother`s sells in their Clay Kit; switching to a dedicated Clay Lube *always* improves the process for me, and even then I always benefit from rewashing...really WASHing... the area after claying. Must be one of those YMMV things if it works OK for somebody else, but when something categorically performs a certain way for me I take that as a clue, and it`s not like I haven`t had Claying figured out since forever.[/rant] No, again...that wasn`t an ad hominem slam at Yvan

On a brighter, less contentious, note, this is a great time to get reacquainted with Detailing! There are a *scad* of new products that really are All That, and many more good options than there were a few years ago in the sense of stuff that works well without needing to be "mastered". The days of esoteric knowledge and endless experience being required to produce stellar results are long gone, and I bet you can not only sort out the "white artifacts" issue but also up your Co.`s game in other ways that you, and your clients, will really appreciate.