View Full Version : Klasse + P21S on Silver ? Also, which Pads to use?

12-25-2005, 04:11 PM
Hi all :wavey Been lurking for a while, but jumping into it now.

I could use some advice. I`ve got a Titanium Silver M3 that`s undergone the following treatment since I bought it from the original owner a couple months ago:

Dawn (strip old stuff from previous owner)



P21S Cleansing Lotion

Meguir`s NXT x2

I`ve been swamped at the office and out of town, so I haven`t had time to put the upkeep on my car as I`d like. However, I just got a PC 7424 for Xmas and definitely want to get back into it. :)

I plan on washing my car, and applying Klasse AIO (polish), then 2 layers of SG (sealant), and then topped with P21S Carnauba Wax (wax).

- How would this look on Silver?

- Can just wash, and go straight to AIO, or do I need to prepare it first (clean off the old NXT wax)?

- What pads should I get for my PC 7424? I`m TOTALLY confused as to what I need, is there a package you would reccommend?

- I`ve read from searches here that P21S may or may not dull the finish after using SG. Is using SG as a "final" layer ok? I assume it would not be as durable as sticking another layer of P21S wax on there.

- What are the timing cycles? For example, how long should I wait between hazing/buffing, buffing/next coat, polish/sealant/wax?

Sorry for the flood of questions! :confused: I`ve been reading articles and various threads through the searches but it`s always hard to get an accurate answer when there`s so many combos and everything is so subjective! Just trying to learn as much as I can, my car deserves as much ;)

12-25-2005, 05:15 PM
Welcome to Autopia!!

If you are going to do a detail as you have stated, KAIO,SG, and P21s there is not any probelm. How is the condition of your paint? Is the paint still smooth from the last claying? Do you have any swirls or marring in the paint?

If the paint conditon is good there is no need for a swirl remover. KAIO will clean the paint chemically quite well and may or may not remove any marring that you may have.

KSG is a great sealant that if applied properly will give you excellent durabilty and a relatively good shine. Some think that is a little subdueing of the reflection but it really is a matter of taste. Using a Carnuaba will not affect the KSG because it will long be gone before the KSG is diminished.

As far as pads are concerned if it were me starting out to just get by or to get a feel for the PC and pads you have many ways to go.

If I am not mistaken Autopia has some nice pads by Sonus. With the products that you have mentioned I would get a green pad for the KAIO. Then a good microfiber applicator to apply KSG using the wipe on/wipe off method. Applying a very thin coats of KSG on a panel then immediately wiping off with a MF towel. Most suggest that a waiting period of twenty-four hours between coats. Something that I have never done yet I still have had good results with longevity.

Lake country makes good pads also. a white polishing pad is all that you will need for this detail if all your are going to use is KAIO.

Propel pads are the last pads that I am going to suggest. Again, for this detail all you would need is a blue pad to apply the KAIO. Propel has a new pad that looks terrific but as of yet I have not had an occasion to use. I have three of these. They are called P2 pads. The color would remain the same.

All of the pads that I have mentioned have kits if you want to spend the money on them. If you are going to get some swirl removers later on to prep your paint for a new sealant these would be good. Any sponsor of the foum will have what you need to get started.

I would also purchase a good car shampoo or soap instead of the dawn wash. It will be better for you than the dawn wash. Try to have at least one nice sheepskin woolpad to wash using a two bucket method. More wash mitts would be better.

12-25-2005, 09:05 PM
I have AIO/SG/PS21 on a Ninja and it is amazing..........but remember...PREP IS THE KEY

12-25-2005, 09:42 PM
I just did my car with a similar set up.

I`ve got a Scion xB. I used AIO, UPP, and then P21s. I really liked the way the UPP made the metallic flake pop. However, the P21s really didn`t seem to do anything. In the future I`m going to try a different wax, maybe Natty`s blue. I`m also going to try Clearkotes Red Machine Glaze to see if I can deepen up the silver to get a more wet look.

Good luck!

12-25-2005, 10:29 PM
the paint`s in excellent condition, no marring or swirls that i can find.

what kind of "prep" do i need to do for all of this to work? i heard (read threads from the searches) that a lot of people think KSG doesn`t work great but it turns out you just need to apply it properly. what`s the best way of doing this?

12-25-2005, 11:27 PM
Welcome! You definetly going with the right products. I suggest getting the Sonus Pad kit. Use the Blue pad for applying paint cleaners. Green Pad for AIO. Black pad for waxes and maybe sealents. Most people use microfiber bayonets for the SG. I don`t. I use the black pad. FOR ME, not all, it spreads on more evenly and again for me. It`s better to start out with bayonets because your first time your probably going to use to much and when you do it`s a pain to get off. Use a thin line across the bayonet or pad. I mean little, a total of a dime size. With AIO is the same but use the green pad and use a nickle size or a thin line. AIO you only do a panel at a time. I use microfiber towels to remove the AIO. I use a Concours Buffing towel for removing the SG, you can get at Autopia and is made of MF. I cleans up so much easier! Without to much pressure. Especailly if you use to much. The SG I suggest you leave it on your car for 24 hrs. so it can definelty be fully cured. In my experiences and others in removes more flat and more protection. The flatter the better the shine. I`ve seen the same results in 12 hours after the second coat. Make sure you wait 24 hrs after applying wax or another coat of SG. You can clay, paint clean, polish, aio and sg in the same day but not sg and wax. Boy is it worth it though!

UPP gives you have the protection and durability. SG also allows waxes to last longer. My experience a month longer depending on weather.

Make sure you get a good soap like Sonus. Use wool mits, I purchase two of them. Get two buckets, one for soap and the other to rinse the mit. Only use microfiber drying towels to dry the car. No terry or cotton towels. Will scratch your paint. Remove all tags on mf`s and mits, can scratch.

SG will not dull any finishes with any waxes. It actually enhance it. SG will give a silver car some depth. Like on darker paints. It will bring out the metallics in the paint like no other. P21S will give you shine. SG doesn`t give to much shine on lighter paints, but gives you depth. You`ll know what I mean when you see your end results.

You`ll be on your way to a great shinning car. Great products you picked out. I suggest maybe getting a finish polish to flatten your clear coat. So scratches or spider webs won`t enhance or start. I suggest on using a polish ever 6 months, no more.

Good Luck. Post some pics when your done.


12-26-2005, 05:36 PM
Great Combo. I have AIO+SG+S100 with poorboys prep. This phot is just Clay + AIO +SGx3




Welcome! You definetly going with the right products. I suggest getting the Sonus Pad kit. Use the Blue pad for applying paint cleaners. Green Pad for AIO. Black pad for waxes and maybe sealents. Most people use microfiber bayonets for the SG. I don`t. I use the black pad. FOR ME, not all, it spreads on more evenly and again for me. It`s better to start out with bayonets because your first time your probably going to use to much and when you do it`s a pain to get off. Use a thin line across the bayonet or pad. I mean little, a total of a dime size. With AIO is the same but use the green pad and use a nickle size or a thin line. AIO you only do a panel at a time. I use microfiber towels to remove the AIO. I use a Concours Buffing towel for removing the SG, you can get at Autopia and is made of MF. I cleans up so much easier! Without to much pressure. Especailly if you use to much. The SG I suggest you leave it on your car for 24 hrs. so it can definelty be fully cured. In my experiences and others in removes more flat and more protection. The flatter the better the shine. I`ve seen the same results in 12 hours after the second coat. Make sure you wait 24 hrs after applying wax or another coat of SG. You can clay, paint clean, polish, aio and sg in the same day but not sg and wax. Boy is it worth it though!

UPP gives you have the protection and durability. SG also allows waxes to last longer. My experience a month longer depending on weather.

Make sure you get a good soap like Sonus. Use wool mits, I purchase two of them. Get two buckets, one for soap and the other to rinse the mit. Only use microfiber drying towels to dry the car. No terry or cotton towels. Will scratch your paint. Remove all tags on mf`s and mits, can scratch.

SG will not dull any finishes with any waxes. It actually enhance it. SG will give a silver car some depth. Like on darker paints. It will bring out the metallics in the paint like no other. P21S will give you shine. SG doesn`t give to much shine on lighter paints, but gives you depth. You`ll know what I mean when you see your end results.

You`ll be on your way to a great shinning car. Great products you picked out. I suggest maybe getting a finish polish to flatten your clear coat. So scratches or spider webs won`t enhance or start. I suggest on using a polish ever 6 months, no more.

Good Luck. Post some pics when your done.


12-26-2005, 06:23 PM
Looks great! :drool: Man must be nice to have weather like that. I live in NE Ohio. I can barely get a day out of 2 weeks to wash my car because of the snow and cold.

Great job though. Now for the next 6 months you can just add p21s. I use the ultra fine sonus detailing clay before waxing. It won`t remove the SG. I wouldn`t use clay lube. If you do use Sonus Glyde with soap.

Great job though.

01-05-2006, 01:36 PM
wow guys, thanks!

sorry i didn`t respond earlier, was out of town for the xmas/new years break.

i`m going to order the pads and work on it when they come in next week, provided the weather`s good. i`ll be out of town (going to the CES show) so i`ll be back to this thread when i get back! :) new PC 7424 is sitting on my desk, i can`t wait. :D

01-05-2006, 02:07 PM
I think you will like that combo. I have a metallic silver GS400 with AIO, SG x 3, and topped every wash with OCW. I was planning to use S100 during the summer and #16 during the winter but I have been playing with OCW since I just got it last month and I really like it a lot. When I first got S100 I loved it because it was SO EASY to apply but OCW is even easier.

01-05-2006, 04:13 PM
I just topped my silver xB with Natty`s blue and the results are great. In between washes I am going to use OCW though, the results that I`ve seen look great as well.