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12-18-2005, 10:49 AM
Here`s a couple shots of 1z Glanz on a Gold Honda Accord. The pics were taken outdoors on an overcast morning. Although I was sure I did a thorough job of wiping off the wax, the car had bad streaks the next morning. I could see every stroke I made with the wax applicator. Fortunately, it cleaned up easily with a damp towel.




12-18-2005, 12:52 PM
looks great, really deep and wet. Especially for such a light color.

12-18-2005, 02:08 PM
looks great, really deep and wet. Especially for such a light color.

Looks good, but unless the dealer is paying you for advertising, get rid of the dealer sticker on the trunk.

12-18-2005, 03:15 PM
Hehe.....the lady actually wants the dealer sticker. It`s an interesting thing, that sticker. It`s high quality stuff.....reminds me of pinstriping. It`s REALLY on there good too. I would be very upset if I bought a car with a "permanent" sticker like that.

12-18-2005, 05:04 PM
Hehe.....the lady actually wants the dealer sticker. It`s an interesting thing, that sticker. It`s high quality stuff.....reminds me of pinstriping. It`s REALLY on there good too. I would be very upset if I bought a car with a "permanent" sticker like that.

I`ve actually declined taking ownership of a new car over it. Despite telling the sales-turd, the service manager and the prep monkey, they still put that thing on my car. I wouldn`t sign the papers and demanded a different car. Sure it would have come off without fuss---nearly 100% sure of that, but why chance it when I asked/told three people NOT to put it on there? Grrrr!

12-18-2005, 05:17 PM
It would take more know-how than I have to get that sticker off "without fuss". It would be like removing pinstriping.

Mikeman out.

12-18-2005, 06:12 PM
Glanz Wax seems tailor made for light colors like that. Very wet and glossy!

12-18-2005, 06:21 PM
Looks good. It`s a shame that Glanz has a tendency to streak. Such a good wax!

12-18-2005, 06:52 PM
I think the trick to preventing streaks with Glanz is to work quickly. Cover a panel quickly with wax, then begin removal almost immediately. When streaks occur, it doesn`t take long to remove them; but you have to wait for the streaking to appear. I`m not sure how long this takes; but it doesn`t happen immediately, probably several hours.

Mikeman out.

12-18-2005, 08:38 PM
Dealer stickers are evil. In my experience no matter how many times I told them not to put one on there prior to delivery, they always do.

12-18-2005, 08:44 PM
Good work on the car. Whenever I buy a new car, I tell the dealer if there`s a sticker or even a plate frame on the car with the dealership name on it then he`ll have to find me a new car because I won`t take that one. I do it everytime and I`ve never had one sticker put on my car or even a plate frame. Of course, I always offer first if they want to take $10,000 of the price then I`ll gladly advertise for them. :)

12-18-2005, 08:53 PM
Looks good. It`s a shame that Glanz has a tendency to streak. Such a good wax!

:nixweiss I`ve never had it streak. It is a true wipe on and off product.

12-18-2005, 10:39 PM
The car I bought last year has a gouge where the corner of the dealer plate frame dug into the paint. The car really doesn`t have room for a frame around the license due to curved surfaces. I can`t believe they do that stuff to new cars.


I`ve had Glanz streak on me twice now (out of about a dozen uses), once in hot weather and once in the cold. Perhaps I laid it on too thick, or left it on too long. I haven`t figured out what causes it yet.

Mikeman out.

12-18-2005, 11:10 PM
:nixweiss I`ve never had it streak. It is a true wipe on and off product.

It may have been because I`ve used it once when they sent me a sample of it and I had NO idea how to use it since it was so watery. I basically just poured some into the middle of my pad and smeared it around before I turned on the PC. I tried to WO/WO but it didn`t seem to come off without leaving a residue.. there was a sort of sweet spot where it was halfway dried.

12-19-2005, 08:08 AM
It may have been because I`ve used it once when they sent me a sample of it and I had NO idea how to use it since it was so watery. I basically just poured some into the middle of my pad and smeared it around before I turned on the PC. I tried to WO/WO but it didn`t seem to come off without leaving a residue.. there was a sort of sweet spot where it was halfway dried.

Lack of directions can make it difficult. Put it in a small 4 oz spray bottle and lightly mist the applicator with GW for easier application. :)