View Full Version : Results from 1st detailing ever... Kinda.

12-16-2005, 02:52 PM
I wrote `kinda` because I still have not applied the wax, but everything else is pretty much done.

Washed car with Megs GC

Clayed with Clay Magic

Polished with SFX-2. I`d highly recommend this product, it was so easy to use it wasn`t even funny. Removed 95% of my swirls.

Klasse AIO. Again, so easy to apply it was rediculous

1 coat UPP. I was going to apply a second, but I`m just going to top it with P21s later tonight.

Took about 3 hours.

First up, my hood.


Next up the roof.


Those two show it off the best, which is why I didn`t include a full shot (scion xb). Oh, and that thing that looks like dirt isn`t a paint blem, it`s dust on my camera`s sensor.

All in all I`m very happy with how things turned out. I learned a lot for next time, but would feel comfortable doing it on anything.

12-16-2005, 03:50 PM
How was everything applied? Looks great. I would still like to see a shot of the whole car.

12-16-2005, 04:21 PM
I`m going to get a whole car shot as soon as I apply the wax. :D

The Klasse and SFX-2 were applied via PC. UPP done by hand.

12-17-2005, 12:22 AM
Awesome work, especially considering it`s your first time. Will be awaiting pics of the whole car! :)

12-18-2005, 04:29 PM
Been so damn cloudy I`ve been trying to get some decent pics. Here are a couple ok ones.


