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12-16-2005, 12:20 PM

1hr. 55sec.

" A one hour analysis of 9/11 and how it is more likely than not that the government was actually behind the attacks.

Next to the work of Alex Jones, this is ranks up against the best of documentaries in the 9/11 Truth Movement

Written and Directed by Dylan Avery

1 hour long.

Take the Red Pill


I am absolutely speechless right now. Watch it and respond accordingly.

12-16-2005, 03:33 PM
We need a tin hat smilie.

12-16-2005, 04:00 PM
We need a tin hat smilie.


Ah, the beauty of the Internet!

(Before this thread gets shut down :lol )

That was probably one of the worst, dime store, pathetic conspiracy attempts out there. That hackneyed, hip hop drone in the background made it even more annoying and immature. Interpretations of grainy videos by - and interviews with - marginalized, left wing conspiracy theorists are not worth their weight in spit. Until someone whistle blows and comes forth with the plans by our “government†to carry out this attack (as insane, preposterous, false and completely lacking in evidence as this may seem) then people should refrain from insulting their intelligence by watching this mindless drivel put together by some dopey college kid. He takes the littlest things that can’t necessarily be explained (in his view) and then makes the stupid leap and skips off on his trip through the Land of Oz to meet up with Dorothy and Toto for tea.

You would think one credible news organization or media outlet from all sides of the political spectrum would raise a stink over this if there was an ounce, or better yet a sand fleck of truth to it. Alas, there are always those counter culture rejects out there who buy into it.

Just like all the Kennedy assassination conspiracies out there, the History Channel debunked those, and even proved the single bullet theory from the Warren Commission that Oliver Stone mocked in his movie. Or, remember Pierre Salinger (Kennedy’s Press Secretary) screaming like a nut that a missile shot down the TWA flight in NY a few years ago only to be made a fool of?

Here are just 2 items in a quick 2 second Google search to aid in debunking this crap. You can judge their credibility.



12-16-2005, 04:22 PM
Wow, I did not know about any of these conspiracies. The video quality is very poor (maybe its my computer) but after looking at a few sites and reading about the `proof` I am still not sure why they think it is the Governments fault.

I have always enjoyed conspiracies, they are so compelling and logical and are always more interesting than reality.

12-16-2005, 04:37 PM
A big coverup for sure.

Without making this about politics, we really need an overhaul in America.

Thanks for posting this.

12-16-2005, 06:48 PM


are two others. In my best judgement, the evidence points against the US government.

Seth and Scott, I respect you both very much as individuals. I just am on the opposite end of your arguments. I`m not sure how this all seems illogical?

12-16-2005, 07:41 PM
I just am on the opposite end of your arguments. I`m not sure how this all seems illogical?

You are actually saying you BELIEVE that propoganda? If so, PROVE it. Don`t show me theories, show me PROOF that hasn`t been debunked. Read the Popular Mechanics article and the experts they interviewed. That`s my "logic." It debunks the physical evidence the conspirators provide. It`s utterly insane to believe otherwise. Or do folks just despise Bush so much that in just 6 months into his first term, you believe he plotted this?! The CIA? The NSA? The FBI? Congress? Or was it the various elements of the LAPD who had conspired to frame OJ Simpson? Thank goodness he was found innocent. I also heard "they" blew up the levies in New Orleans during Hurricaine Katrina.

If you HONESTLY believe that is the truth it would be the single most, largest, most colossal, news story in our nation`s history. It would be covered head to tail by every news organization, news show, talk show, every newspaper, every magazine, massive congressional inquiries, UN Nations inquiries, etc...

Why don`t you see this talked about anywhere in those settings? Because there`s no truth to it. You think everyone is oblivious to this and somehow this video is the missing link? The Holy Grail?! The truth that explains 9/11?!

If so, it would NOT be relegated to some politcal agenda oriented Internet documentary put to the tune of some acid jazz DJ that is worshipped by conspirators.

The Popular Mechanics article shows how this is seems so illogical. To investigate 16 of the most prevalent claims made by conspiracy theorists, POPULAR MECHANICS assembled a team of nine researchers and reporters who, together with PM editors, consulted more than 70 professionals in fields that form the core content of this magazine, including aviation, engineering and the military.

The proof is in the concrete, proveable, undisputable, physical, written, EVIDENCE, not one`s politcal agenda or distrust of the government. I`ve said my piece.

12-16-2005, 08:03 PM
Or do folks just despise Bush so much that in just 6 months into his first term, you believe he plotted this?!

Whoa Spilch. It`s got nothing to do with despising Bush. Lots of people who despise Bush don`t believe the conspiracies.

"Listen... all of the dogs have stopped barking!"

A guy can believe whatever he wants. Ain`t no use debating it on the internet.

"Sir... Is this your bag? Are you sure? Inspect it carefully, look it over and answer truthfully.... No? It isn`t? Hmmmm. Just as we thought."

You know. Conspicuous only in its absence.


12-16-2005, 09:58 PM


are two others. In my best judgement, the evidence points against the US government.

Seth and Scott, I respect you both very much as individuals. I just am on the opposite end of your arguments. I`m not sure how this all seems illogical?

Just the fact that something like that is too big to keep secret makes it illogical.

Are you sure your ultra-left wing professor`s aren`t having an undo influence on you? ;)

12-16-2005, 10:03 PM
Whoa Spilch. It`s got nothing to do with despising Bush. Lots of people who despise Bush don`t believe the conspiracies.

The people who hate Bush do promote the conspiracies though.

12-16-2005, 10:32 PM
Scottwax, I agree 100% with you.

I have immense faith in the inability for people to keep their mouths` shut on something so big. The fame and fortune that even a shred of "hard" proof would bring makes it inconceivable that a secret on this order could be kept.

And a conspiracy of this magnitude would require or involve hundreds of people who would have some "hard" evidence. You can`t tell me that just one of those people would inevitably find it impossible to keep this secret!

Or maybe there are groups of an ever decreasing size that kills off all the previous other groups until there is only 1 person who knows the whole story left! :shocked

My faith in big mouths and glory hounds (i.e. see the media) tell me this conspiracy is impossible. Hell, if I remember correctly, didn`t we have Bin Laden`s cell phone number and we were using it to keep track of him until some moron at the NY Times published this fact and Bin Laden tossed the phone? These clowns will do anything for a story no matter the final impact.

12-17-2005, 12:28 AM
:shocked :lol

WOW, our government is out to kill us!!! I cant believe people would actually believe this, unless you smoke a whole lot of pot and believe every conspiracy theory around. (I have a friend like that, its funny listening to his reasoning)

I didn`t watch the whole thing, but what was their reasoning for the government involvement?

And who are these people talking? How do we know that they aren`t just the people who are making the conspiracy? I like the flying instructor who they dont prove was that guy`s instructor or anything.

Go watch Farenhype 9/11

12-17-2005, 12:36 AM
You are actually saying you BELIEVE that propoganda? If so, PROVE it. Don`t show me theories, show me PROOF that hasn`t been debunked. Read the Popular Mechanics article and the experts they interviewed. That`s my "logic." It debunks the physical evidence the conspirators provide. It`s utterly insane to believe otherwise. Or do folks just despise Bush so much that in just 6 months into his first term, you believe he plotted this?! The CIA? The NSA? The FBI? Congress? Or was it the various elements of the LAPD who had conspired to frame OJ Simpson? Thank goodness he was found innocent. I also heard "they" blew up the levies in New Orleans during Hurricaine Katrina.

If you HONESTLY believe that is the truth it would be the single most, largest, most colossal, news story in our nation`s history. It would be covered head to tail by every news organization, news show, talk show, every newspaper, every magazine, massive congressional inquiries, UN Nations inquiries, etc...

Why don`t you see this talked about anywhere in those settings? Because there`s no truth to it. You think everyone is oblivious to this and somehow this video is the missing link? The Holy Grail?! The truth that explains 9/11?!

If so, it would NOT be relegated to some politcal agenda oriented Internet documentary put to the tune of some acid jazz DJ that is worshipped by conspirators.

The Popular Mechanics article shows how this is seems so illogical. To investigate 16 of the most prevalent claims made by conspiracy theorists, POPULAR MECHANICS assembled a team of nine researchers and reporters who, together with PM editors, consulted more than 70 professionals in fields that form the core content of this magazine, including aviation, engineering and the military.

The proof is in the concrete, proveable, undisputable, physical, written, EVIDENCE, not one`s politcal agenda or distrust of the government. I`ve said my piece.

Just wanted to post this again. :hifive:

Oh ya, and if the planes that were flown into the twin towers weren`t the actuall flights with passengers then what happened to those flights and passengers? Did the government kill them too? If so then what was the point of different planes? Huh?

12-17-2005, 05:49 AM
I watched this about a week ago and was pretty stunned by the content both in terms of what was said and what they were trying to insinuate. It does raise a lot of important questions that cannot be answered. As far as the WTC attack goes I feel you can draw different outcomes according to what evidence you look at - its all `believeable` dependant upon what you want to believe.

As for the pentagon if the hole they showed was the hole the plane entered then its a magic plane as its wings vanished without leaving a trace on the surrounding window frames. Magic plane Hmmmmmmm!

Setec Astronomy
12-17-2005, 07:29 AM
As for the pentagon if the hole they showed was the hole the plane entered then its a magic plane as its wings vanished without leaving a trace on the surrounding window frames. Magic plane Hmmmmmmm!

Hmm...maybe it was mass hallucination, but I happened to be watching the events as they were happening in TV, and my recollection when they first cut to the Pentagon was that there was an airliner stuck in the wall, and it hadn`t gone in up to the wings.