View Full Version : SSR1 equal to what?

12-15-2005, 02:18 PM
I am placing a Christmas order to me from me :), and I had considered SSR1. My question is, will it be pretty much a useless repeat of either the P21S Paint Cleansing Lotion, the Klasse AIO, or the Clearkote VM or RMG which I already have?

I have the SSR2.5 and 2, but I usuallu stop after the 2, and after reading a few posts of people who were seeing some micro-marring after 2, I had considered adding it to my collection. Is this a good idea, or would it be wiser to simply add the Optimum Polish instead, or again, is it merely repeating what I already have?

Suggestions would be appreciated...thanks in advance,


12-15-2005, 02:55 PM
I have ssr1, and I use it for alot of things. I use it for minor swirling, hazing, and general clean-up. I also use it as a final polish on my customers cars. AIO is a chemical cleaner and wont do the same thing as ssr1 will, p21s would be less aggresive than ssr1, and VM RMG would still be less aggresive, but again, designed to do different jobs than ssr1.


12-15-2005, 04:29 PM
I brought SSRs 2.5, 2 and 1. before the summer. So far I havent ever used the 1 though.

After 2 or 2,5 - I have either gone straight to Sealant or wax or used VM, Autoglym Super Resin or Optimum polish.

If you have some of the above you may not need the SSR 1.