View Full Version : Zaino`d my Integra for Winter (new Canon A610 pics)

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12-12-2005, 07:55 AM
So I got a new camera for my birthday:


So far I have just been shooting in Auto mode, but the pics have still been coming out nice. I have to start working with some manual settings, but overall, I like the camera a lot.

On to my car; I usually take the lip kit off for the winter to save the paint but I`ve been hit twice in the front and once in the rear so why bother :)? I might as well help plow the snow. I will get it resprayed in the spring before I sell her. The paint on my rear decklid spoiler was in nice shape, so I took it off and sealed/touched up the holes. I will swap my stock wheels on sometime this week but as of now, the weather hasn`t been all too bad (only 8" the other day :)).

For the combo, I wanted to go with something strong. I took my time on this evening (Saturday) and spent about 5-6 hours getting her 95%+ swirl free. My finals were:

-PB SS&S Wash with pressure washer

-No clay needed

-Menzerna PO 85RD via rotary and LC Finishing Pad @ 1500 rpm x 2-4 in some areas (tried Z-PC before but it was a bit too much cut)

-Z6 wipedown

-Z5 (ZFX`d) x 3

-Z8 after each Z5 layer

-PB Wheel Sealant x 2 on wheels

-Zaino Z16 on tires

-Z8 on glass

-Flitz on exhaust and rear license plate frame

This is how I started off :(


In the garage (notice the staining and dirt from the spoiler plus the marring on the rear decklid)




The next day


12-12-2005, 07:56 AM





Questions? Comments?

12-12-2005, 08:00 AM
Car looks amazing, as it always does. You have skills. So how do you like your new Canon? I recently bought the Canon S2 IS and absolutely love it! The only thing I find with the Canons in Auto mode is that they tend to use a pretty high contrast setting.

12-12-2005, 08:15 AM
Send that camera back. It was hard to see the pictures because of so much shine. :LOLOL

Now to be more serious. Interesting that you found ZPC had to much cut compared to Po85RD.

Guess I have a lot to learn. Have used the Zpc once. On my wife`s 300 Touring. Produced great results but the paint is in pristine condition. May be there is hope that all I will need for the black truck come spring will be ZPC instead of the Menzerna Twins.

12-12-2005, 08:46 AM
awesome ! but why zaino ? personal preference ?

12-12-2005, 09:06 AM
Thanks everyone.

Chuck: The Canon is excellent. My current peeves about it are the flimsy `doors` guarding the areas to plug in my cords. Also, for $250+, I expected some rechargeable batteries and a charger. I covered that quickly, but other than that, excellent marks all around.

cwcad: I found Z-PC to cut up around Optimum polish. The depth and richness of the paint was very comparable to PO 85RD which is excellent but I had very faint hazing from the rotary. Furthermore, Honda is known for very soft paint, so I will be trying Z-PC on harder paints (pretty much everything) in the future.

I found it to cut nice around 1500rpm on the rotary for the first pass, then back down to 1000rpm for the next 2. After that, on most paints, I would say it finishes clean.

tumbler: Why not Zaino? Personally, I like the look better than the Klasse twins and FK1 #2180 which look a touch plasticky to me. Z5 provides nice depth and very durable protection.

imported_bren wrx
12-12-2005, 09:29 AM
sean, have to admit, looks kind of sexy wingless! but we all know im partial!

12-12-2005, 09:41 AM
Nice detail again.

Is that it in its winter state? no more black wheels or trim coming off?

Looks really good!

12-12-2005, 09:54 AM
JJ: I mentioned my mishaps above. I will have the wheels (in silver this year) back on this week.

12-12-2005, 10:31 AM
Sean, I assume you used a variety of rubber plugs for the spolier`s holes?

12-12-2005, 11:55 AM
thats one clean Integra! good job.

12-12-2005, 12:11 PM
That side shot of the snowy hill in the door :drool:

is it just me or are your back wheels tucking but the fronts have wheel gap?

12-12-2005, 12:42 PM
Dude... so shiny... I LOVE that side shot with the snow!

Nice job :)

12-12-2005, 01:52 PM
Dang! You`ve probably heard this many times before, but that is probably the best looking Integra I`ve ever seen!

12-12-2005, 02:56 PM
Your Teg is simply awesome! Great... no Excellent job on the detail! If I had ten thumbs, they`d all be up. :grinno: