View Full Version : New Vehicle-Need suggestions please!

12-11-2005, 11:06 PM
Just picked up a 2006 VW Passat in Deep Black, which is a metallic black. I did a light polish, then VM, IW, and CMW. Looks very good, but I am wondering what the best will be in terms of both durability and making those flakes POP. Any suggestions for other products? I know this combo I have is good for durability, but I am looking for good looks too. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!!



Ed Fisher
12-12-2005, 05:52 AM

Congratulaitions on your new car. Hope you a safe and happy time together with her... Can I suggest you worry about the protection before the looks during the Chicago winter ? (I very well know how the conditions are; I stayed there quite a long time)

BTW, please yell a quick "HELLO" next time you drive thru Rosemont for me... :)

12-12-2005, 07:01 AM
I like using glazes on dark colored cars. the clearkote glazes, VM and RMG are extremely easy to apply and wipe off and give awesome wetness to the paint. A carnauba will set this off even more. Natty`s Blue and Souveran are my favorite beauty waxes. You could even through a sealant into the combo if you wanted a little extra durability. Like Murat said though, I wouldn`t worry too much about looks until you get past the snowy/salty winter.

12-12-2005, 08:54 AM
Thanks, guys. I have some Natty`s Blue, so perhaps I will use that. I was thinking of using something like EX topped with CMW once the warm weather hits. I am sure I will get the suggestion of Zaino, but I enjoy switching products too much to use something as fussy as Zaino!

12-12-2005, 09:25 AM
i was told there are too many oils in VM for zaino to put on top of.. ex-p would be a good choice

12-12-2005, 10:32 AM
All the dark colored Zaino cars that I`ve seen seemed to be lacking what a good carnauba combo has, depth and wetness. Zaino IMO gives a very bright finish and I don`t think that works well with dark colored cars. For white, beige, silver, etc, its great though. But that`s not what you have! I would personally steer away from zaino on your black car.

*Runs before the Zaino users see this! :bolt

12-12-2005, 11:58 AM
Thanks Neothin. Like I said, another reason I shy away from Zaino is that I can`t just switch it up when I feel like it. I like that option. I am just looking for a good combo that makes the flake stand out!