View Full Version : Menzerna PO85RD - Discontinued or not, that is the question.

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12-09-2005, 12:28 AM
In another tread it was a discussion about that Menzerna PO85RD will be discontinued. I don´t say it´s a lie. But who told you this? As PO85RD is my favourite fine polish I don´t want this to be discontinued. Anyway I mailed Michael Welker, Order Processing Manager, Menzerna Germany and asked.

this is the mail conversation between Michael Welker and me:


Re: Fw: PO85RD (08-Dez-2005 13:56)





Dear Herr Welker,

Have Menzerna discontinued PO85RD?

Best regards




to me

More options 3:15 pm

Dear Sir,

no, we do not discontinue die PO 85 RD

Best regards,

Michael Welker


original Message


Re: Re-2: Fw: PO85RD (09-Dez-2005 8:22)





Dear Herr Welker,

Do you have any idea why the americans says that PO85RD will discontinue?

Best regards,

Marcus Andersson



to me

More options 4:25 pm

Dear Sir,

no, I have not.

Best regards,

Michael Welker


Why would the order processing manager from Menzerna germany lie to me? Or is

it just that the American Menzerna don´t want to import the PO85RD, only the PO106FF

wich is a more versatile prodcut with more cut and same finish?

I am just happy that my favourite polish is not discontinued(?) :clap:

So what do you guys think? If you know where this rumor(?) started I want to know.

The only thing I Know is that a guy from Menzerna Germany told me that PO85RD

will NOT be discontinued.

So guys let´s discuss this.

12-09-2005, 12:43 AM
It sounds like MenzernaUSA is not going to import PO85RD if we are to believe what has been posted and the contact in Germany.

12-09-2005, 01:10 AM
*I* haven`t said that it`s discontinued but I have said that it`s NOT coming to the USA any longer. I first heard this about a month ago and it was confirmed, well, when we all found out here.

12-09-2005, 05:44 AM
OK, SO who can obtain PO85RD? :nixweiss

Since we here in the USA cannot obtain it from dealers, who or what website still has it and can ship it to the USA?

I ran out of 85RD and only have 106! :sadpace:

New 997 black Porsche arriving in April/May and need the 85RD.

Anyone have websites outside USA who CAN ship to the USA?

Anyone willing to ship 85RD themselves to the USA?

Please let me know at your convenience.

Thanking you in advance!



12-09-2005, 06:00 AM
New 997 black Porsche arriving in April/May and need the 85RD.

Spoken like a true addict :rofl

12-09-2005, 06:46 AM
Spoiledman: I wasn´t talking about you, but when I read everywhere that PO85RD was discontinued, I thought they would stop the production. But they did not.

Deanski: I can ship to you, but I think some one in the states can send u some. If not, I can ship you some, no problem!

12-09-2005, 06:54 AM
I got some PO85RD friday of last week. They`re selling it until they run out. Check out pakshak and see if they have any left, because that`s where I got mine.

is 85RD going to become a hot item? I have 4 ounces for sale! :P

12-09-2005, 06:57 AM
Thanks guys!


12-09-2005, 06:57 AM
scroll to bottom


12-09-2005, 07:00 AM
packshak is out of 85RD.... Damn!

Seems no one in the area has it.

I knew I should have ordered my case sooner, damn it!

I`m still looking.


12-09-2005, 07:04 AM
packshak is out of 85RD.... Damn!

Seems no one in the area has it.

I knew I should have ordered my case sooner, damn it!

I`m still looking.


I guess getting my package of 85RD yesterday was a good thing then :dance

12-09-2005, 07:06 AM
I got mine from Pacshak before he sol out. Someone should have some left.

12-09-2005, 07:11 AM
Well there weren`t many places that sold it anyway. Every source that *I* know of doesn`t have any more of it. I only know of one place to get 106FF right now.

12-09-2005, 07:12 AM
Since Patrick is/was a dealer maybe he can speak to this.

Product was discontinued basically around the time CMA announce a partnership with Menzerna to revamp the Blackfire Line.

12-09-2005, 07:34 AM
It sounds like MenzernaUSA is not going to import PO85RD if we are to believe what has been posted and the contact in Germany.

This was my understanding as well. to be honest I have both plenty of both and I feel that I prefer the 106FF as it is more versatile. the finish is the same IMHO. anybody get an update on the exact price increase of the 106FF ? I am glad that I stocked up big time before the price increase. guess I will have to hang onto the 85RD to see how it`s stock rises lol !