View Full Version : Need tips for using Menzerna, first time.

12-08-2005, 09:58 AM
I just got my shipment of Menzerna IP and FPII. I have polished parts of my black car before with #80 which is very user-friendly, but have not used the Menzerna products. I will be using a PC and be removing some swirlds and light scratches. I suppose I should use the IP with a polishing pad and the FP with a finishing pad, but no sure. Any tips/tricks that would be useful for a first timer ?

I have Meg #21, Zymol, and Z5 as LSPs and think I will top with either #21 or Z5.


12-08-2005, 10:34 AM
I could go into a lengthy explanation but this will do just as well and probably better.....


12-08-2005, 10:38 AM
Yes, I read that page from ClassicMotoring. A speed of 3.5 to 4 seems a bit slow for polishing with a PC doesn`t it ? I also read about possible dusting problems and want to know about working time with the polish. So I was looking for some experienced users to tell me what to expect / avoid etc.

12-08-2005, 10:50 AM

Blkyukon is the Menzerna master with the PC!

12-08-2005, 10:58 AM
Decent thread but it didn`t talk about PC speed, pressure on pad, or what the product will look like when its broken down ...

12-08-2005, 12:42 PM
OK, try here...


12-08-2005, 02:53 PM
mpmiller: It works similar to Megs #80. One thing that is important is to stop before the polish dries. It becomes difficult to remove if that happens.

Use polishing pads for both IP and FP.

12-08-2005, 03:29 PM
If I use polishing pads for both IP and FP then should I just go straight to LSP, or should I do something else with a finishing pad ?

12-08-2005, 03:50 PM
Yes, you can then go straight to LSP.

12-12-2005, 09:11 AM
I polished the hood with IP followed by FP this past weekend. The IP was not as aggressive as I was lead to believe. No hazing or marring at all. I used a sonus white pad with speed set to 5 and some pressure. It did dust a bit and that was a pain. I have previously used #80 and that polish was able to be worked much longer. The IP got the swirls out without any problem. The FP did not dust much at all. I was expecting to be blown away with the look but was not, though it looked good and appeared to finish better than the #80. I have some tiny pitting (small spec like) on the paint that the IP did not take out.

12-12-2005, 09:27 AM
I polished the hood with IP followed by FP this past weekend. The IP was not as aggressive as I was lead to believe. No hazing or marring at all. I used a sonus white pad with speed set to 5 and some pressure. It did dust a bit and that was a pain. I have previously used #80 and that polish was able to be worked much longer. The IP got the swirls out without any problem. The FP did not dust much at all. I was expecting to be blown away with the look but was not, though it looked good and appeared to finish better than the #80. I have some tiny pitting (small spec like) on the paint that the IP did not take out.

The cutting ability of IP depends a lot on the pad used. You used a white polishing pad. If you use a cutting pad or light cutting pad the polish will become more abrasive. Also, if you spray your foam pad with water prior to polishing each panel the polish will stay wet longer and therefore have a longer working time. My final comment is that I find Menzerna will not dust if you do not work it too long and if you spray it with a little water before you buff it off.