View Full Version : mini heatwave in pa

02-05-2005, 06:46 PM
next few days hitting almost 50! you should have seen the lines at the car washes today. well..time for me to get the pressure washer out sunday, and go to town on the truck!! it will be nice for a change to wash,and not freeze.

02-05-2005, 07:01 PM
I hear ya there, spent the whole day at a buddies garage putting an intake in his TSX and washed, clayed, VM, and Signatured another friends 05 Jetta in the charcoal color. Did this all with the garage door open! Tomorrow its time to do mine. Gotta love Feb. when its in the 50s.

02-07-2005, 01:06 PM
it was a nice afternoon to do it. pressure washer was great for the underneath and motor. noticed some tar when i hand washed. that can wait till spring. finished with applying mothers clear coat wheel polish on the wheels. wish i did not have to drive it...lol... calling for rain later today--then tracking another storm around thursday. it was short heat wave..but a nice one!

02-07-2005, 02:16 PM
Its still not bad today at 48 degrees, warm enough for a detail anyway. Tonight I`ll post some pics of what I am working on today, the SUV of my dreams.

02-07-2005, 03:44 PM
you should have seen the lines at the car washes today.

I know. The local SAM`s club has a $5.00 drive thru both, the line was at least 10 deep and down the street another wash center the cars lined all thru the lot and even onto the highway shoulder.