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12-04-2005, 03:35 PM
It last for 5 years, protecting the paint from the hot, cold, wet, dry, sun, rain, snow, and salt...and it even prevents scratching. Yeah-right.

This is more of a gripe than anything...but I`m really getting tired of having to explain and convince customers that it is okay if we wax their cars when they come in for a detail. I get it all the time; they say "when I bought this car 2 years ago the dealership put a special coating on the paint and I was not to put anything else on the car for five years". I then explain to them that the dealership probably applied a sealant to their paint which is like a synthetic wax that usually lasts about 6 months. They then say "but I paid a lot of money for it and the dealership guarenteed it for 5 years."

It`s hard to tell people they`ve been "had," but I get it every single day. No kidding.

I think they get away with this BS through the careful use of fine print. I know the PermaPlate box says is must be reapplied every 6 months and every 3 months on darker colored cars, but nobody reads the box.

12-04-2005, 03:43 PM
Of course it`s all BS, but then there`s also the people that think clearcoated paint is completely maintenance-free. Ignorance is bliss.

I hate when people completely believe all manufacturers claims about durability. "Oh yeah my $3.00 bottle of [Product X] lasts for a full year. It says so on the bottle" :rolleyes:

12-04-2005, 04:17 PM
Ya, I frequent a lot of car boards and it`s tough telling folks on them that they`ve been swindled too. The messaging on those 5 year gaurantees is very misleading - it makes folks think that the sealant will actually last 5 years, not that they just have 5 years of free re-application. Of course no one ever goes back to get it re-applied, so it`s money down the drain. Just the other day someone on a car board was trying to convince me that those sealants protect the paint from scratches. It`s infuriating. :)

12-04-2005, 04:40 PM
Picus...I didn`t thank about that - it`s five years worth of application. I wonder if in most of the packages the dealerships sell the dealership is supposed to reapply the product or rather if the dealership simply supplies the customer with the product to apply his or herself? I haven`t read the fine print material they give to customers when they buy their "protection" packages. In either case, I don`t think the fine print matches what the salemen (or sales manager) are pitching to the customers, as 99% of the people I talk to believe it to be a one-time application. I`ve probably talked to over 200 people who had the magic coating put on their paint and only once have I heard a customer tell me that the dealership will be reapplying the sealant every 6 months.

When they tell me it resists scratching, I usually take a glance at their vehicle and say "obviously not."

C. Charles Hahn
12-04-2005, 05:23 PM
Ya, I frequent a lot of car boards and it`s tough telling folks on them that they`ve been swindled too.

I`ve been perma-banned from two discussion boards for this very reason. :LOLOL

This is more of a gripe than anything...but I`m really getting tired of having to explain and convince customers that it is okay if we wax their cars when they come in for a detail. I get it all the time; they say "when I bought this car 2 years ago the dealership put a special coating on the paint and I was not to put anything else on the car for five years".

My question back to them would be "Well then why are you here? What exactly do you want me to do if I can`t touch the car for 3 more years?"

And then, of course, when they respond with "Just wash it..." or "I dunno..." you can explain to them WHY it is important for them to do otherwise.

I even included this in my mass-marketing letter that I send/hand out to people:


Your vehicle is in serious danger at this very moment. Every day, your vehicle is bombarded by hundreds of contaminants ranging from road salt to acid rain. These contaminants are a poison, choking the life out of your investment in the form of rust and corrosion.

Don’t worry – there is something you can do to help prevent this constant abuse from the environment. Make an appointment to meet with me – <name deleted>, your Automotive Appearance Specialist. I can show you how, with proper care, your vehicle can last for years to come.

Many automotive dealerships misinform their customers regarding today’s clear coat paints and corrosion resistant components. While these parts inherently last longer than they did on the cars and trucks of 10 years ago, they still need extra attention to maintain that like-new appearance for a long lifetime of service. The “miracle paint sealant†packages sold by these dealers do not last the lifetime of the vehicle, and are often overpriced. It is important to have such sealants applied and periodically re-applied by an experienced detailer. This is where I come in.

I have several packages available to suit you and your vehicle’s specific needs. With everything from scratch and scuff repairs, to interior detailing, to exterior paint protection, together we can help to keep your investment as-new for years to come. I treat each and every vehicle I detail as though it were my own; high quality service and reasonable prices are guaranteed. So pamper yourself, pamper your vehicle, and contact me today.

I look forward to hearing from you! Please see my price list for a guideline of the services I offer.


12-04-2005, 06:19 PM
when i hear this, no amount of talking to these people works. people today tend to believe that just because someone sells something, they are automatically a know it all :wall...whether it be a mechanic, detailer, guy at the electronics store or wherever...funny thing is the internet can make people experts in the *theory aspect* which takes only a few months in many areas such as electronics or paint care :chuckle: next time someone says this....tell them to *lightly* feel your paint...then there paint......the pull out some detail spray wipe their paint <<---i know a no no...but hey they got the 5year no scratch plan so they will be ok :chuckle: ..then clay and see what they say...wit these ppl, they have to see it to believe it :getdown

12-04-2005, 07:11 PM

I can`t speak for all manufacturers/dealerships - but my sister got a dealer applied sealant on her last car (VW GTI 1.8T) and when she went back for re-application they didn`t know what to do. Honest to god, they told her flat out no one had *ever* returned for re-application. In the end they did it for her. As a matter of fact they insisted it was good for 5 years. Luckily by that time she knew better and showed them the product information which states quite plainly that for dark cars it needed to be re-applied every 3 months. Worse durabilty that something she could have bought at Canadian Tire for $10. :(

She didn`t go back after that. Since I`m local again I just take care of her car for her. It depresses me to think that she bought the sealant before asking me, but you know how it is - young girl, first car, lots of pressure.

Anyway I imagine they would re-apply it for you, but if I had to guess I`d say something like 1/5000 people who get the sealant ever come back.

12-04-2005, 08:26 PM
I know exactly what your talking about! My dad was one of those people! It took me so long just to talk him into letting me detail it. You might try explaining that they mostly paid for a warrentee on the paint and that by waxing it, it will just improve the look. I know people dont like to be told they have been "had", I learned by my dad yelling at me a couple of times, saying he knows more than I. Anyway try to tell the customer in a different way, like I previously said, wax will enhance the finish and it will not effect the dealer installed crap.

Matt M, PA
12-05-2005, 08:30 AM
Since I seem to be the "detail" guy for my friends, I have been asked more than once about the magic waxes the dealers sell. Instead of going into "what a rip-off" it is, I now use a different tact.

If they have a brochure, you find on this brochure where it suggests regular "re-application". I guess anything can last 5 years with regular re-application...even suntan lotion.

In the end, here is what I have found works best without making the potential buyer feel stupid. I explain that these magic waxes are sold as an "insurance policy" against you having a problem with your paint. Chances are, even if your paint is neglicted for 5 years...it probably won`t fall off. Sure, they guarantee against acid rain and the like but very few people study their car`s finish, and would not ecognize a problem anyhow....so....they company rarely pays anything out.

It`s kind of like the extended warranties the electronic stores sell. If they were such a great bargain...how do you think the warranty companies would stay in business?

Krautfed 03
12-05-2005, 09:39 AM
I walked from a deal when I bought my Mazda. The dealer had already added $750.00 to the window sticker for the "environmental package". I told them I didn`t mind the interior protection, but I would not pay for the paint sealant. They proceded to tell me how well it protects the paint, and they add it to all their cars for on-the-lot protection and they *had* to recoup the costs when cars are sold. Before I refused to pay it and walk away, I pointed out the severe etching...almost down to the primer on a black RX8 and Mazda 3. My last comment was that they need to contact their installer about getting those two cars repainted under their "warranty". Of course the salesman said the famous words..."It`ll buff right out!!". :grinno:

C. Charles Hahn
12-05-2005, 09:52 AM
I pointed out the severe etching...almost down to the primer on a black RX8 and Mazda 3. My last comment was that they need to contact their installer about getting those two cars repainted under their "warranty". Of course the salesman said the famous words..."It`ll buff right out!!". :grinno:

:bolt not on MY brand new car, it`s not... especially not at the hands of a dealership hack and his trusty rotary :grrr

12-05-2005, 03:18 PM
I don`t run across this much anymore. Probably because I have been in business long enough that I have my customers trained well enough to refuse dealer prep of any kind. In fact, I had a lady call who was referred to me by one of my customers. She has told Moritz BMW not to touch her car when it comes in this week because she wants me to take care of it. :)

I have to agree that the dealer sealant stuff is a huge scam. Not only to they charge a whole lot of money for $2 of product and an hour of work but you also risk swirls from improper application.

12-07-2005, 06:58 AM
What you buy is the warranty.

Barring any unethical selling tactics ("It`s already on there and you have to pay for it" and the like), the "scam" is what has been mentioned here: as soon as the customer walks out the door, they never return. EVER. I don`t know if "scam" is the right word, but it takes advantage of human nature.

I`ve had a lot of pressure from vendors to offer paint sealant to my customers (I am an F&I manager), but I won`t do it. There`s big profit in it... but there`s big profit in booking sports bets, and dealing crack, and hosting internet pornography. If I was going to go over the line, why stop at paint sealant?

Krautfed 03
12-07-2005, 07:41 AM
I forgot to mention that I actually read one of those warranties. Everything that causes damage was excluded!! It specifically excluded bird droppings, bug acid, environmental fallout, and acid rain!! This was their safety net, along with the clause about returning every 6 months to re-apply!!

What a Joke!!!

12-07-2005, 09:18 AM
I forgot to mention that I actually read one of those warranties. Everything that causes damage was excluded!! It specifically excluded bird droppings, bug acid, environmental fallout, and acid rain!! This was their safety net, along with the clause about returning every 6 months to re-apply!!

What a Joke!!!

Not to mention they specifically prohibit the use of any kind of polish or polisher on the paint. So if you decide to use some scratchx or something, warranty is gone. It`s a total joke.