View Full Version : Optimum

12-03-2005, 08:35 AM
I`ve had OCW and Protectant for quite some time and have only played around with it here and there. This winter season I chose it as my go to product line for winter protection. Granted I live in Wisconsin where the road salt is plentyfull. I started out with a polish and then applied 2 consecutive coat`s of OCW . This product has held up excellent ! I alway`s go through the touchless Auto carwashes with my truck , because of the weather / cold and my water at home is to hard to get a decent wash. Then use S&W . My truck has held up great even with the road salt and the touchless carwashes. The OCW has performed very well and has held up very well through this type of use. I know some have said this is a lazy man`s way of waxing but I disagree. This is better and has held up better than many product`s I use and have in my arsenal ( which is alot) . I think product`s like this are setting a trend in new car care technology.

As for the protectant , I really like it and it has also held up very well on the interior of my truck.

As for the tire product , I had a tiny sample and only use it a little bit so I really can`t comment on that, but will be ordering a new bottle soon.

I`m really looking forward to trying the new QEW type of product that is coming out. Hopefully I can use it like the I use the S&W.

Just my 2 cent`s worth of comment`s

12-03-2005, 09:22 PM
I agree. Those who think of OCW as a glorified QD are very wrong. It is a true stand alone LSP. Looks great, excellent slickness and every bit as durable as more tradionally applied sealants.

12-04-2005, 03:37 PM
Right there with `ya on OCW. Good results and durability and EXTREMELY easy to use.....a real time saver.