View Full Version : Q :S100 cleanser/S100 carnuba paste wax

11-29-2005, 09:57 AM
:ca I have been using S100 for the past 2 years. It never occured to me if these products are abrasive, especially the cleanser. I have spent much time reading the forums and I was suprised the number of products that are abrasive. Can`t find any info on S100 nor a company websit. It`s probably made in Germany. I have a 2003 truck, clear coat finish.

Up here in Canada there is not much available in stores shelves and ordering from USA is too expensive. Most of the main products on shelves are Mothers and Meguiars. Both have a 3-step process. But in my humble opinion S100 is better. Does anyone know how abrasive S100 products are? :think: Thanks guys. Sorry for the long song & dance.

11-29-2005, 11:25 AM
I guess it all depends on what S100/PS21 product you are referring to. If you are concerned at all about a product call Bruce (S100) at 800-215-9442.....that is a tech line for current users.

11-29-2005, 12:49 PM
S100 is a very mild polish/paint cleanser. I find it akin to Clearkote Vanilla Moose in abrassiveness.

I think someone tested it on a panel everyday for a certain period with no loss of paint thickness.

11-29-2005, 02:31 PM
Their GEPC (GLoss Enhancing Paint Cleanser) is very easy to work and is very low in abrasiveness. Their S100 Wax is great, and does not contain cleaners or abrasives. It used to be widely used here to top AIO/SG applications, as well as an LSP all on it`s own.

11-29-2005, 04:53 PM
The S100 paste wax is nonabrasive with no cleaners.