View Full Version : What to do about winter?

11-28-2005, 02:26 PM
I have an 04 GTO. The car is phantom black metallic and the car/ paint are near flawless. I have had the car for over 13 months now and have managed to not even get a door ding. I keep the paint in the best condition that I can through the use multiple mit washing and microfiber waffle weave blot drying and once or twice I have even had to get out the porter cable.

Now here is the problem. I live in an apartment and have no where to put the GTO for the winter other than out in the elements. I went ahead and bought a cheap car to drive this winter so that the GTO doesn`t have to see the salty roads here in Missouri.

I am very scared about getting a car cover and haveing it scratch up the car. I think I will just leave it uncovered in the parking lot and wash it every few weeks to prevent huge dirt buildup. I put 3 coats of Zaino on it a few weeks back so it should be good for most of the winter.

Does anyone here have to leave their pride and joy exposed to the elements through the winter? How does everyone handle this and what should I do?

11-28-2005, 04:07 PM
This isn`t really the kind of answer I think you`re looking for, but I`d pay to store the GTO some place. IMO both the cover and the exposed approaches would both result in *something* you`d be unhappy about. I`ve left cars outside all winter, and they fair a lot better if you drive them than they do if you just let them sit.

11-28-2005, 06:59 PM
with the use of QEW, cars can be kept in a good condition all thru winter. I would just drive the GTO to keep the fluids fresh and keep the car clean with QEW. I know you don`t have a garage to use the QEW in, but you could drive to a coin op car wash with your bucket and mitts and use it there. You could even use the wand to get salt and crud off the undercarriage while your there.

11-28-2005, 07:09 PM
Yeah I still plan to drive it when it is nice out. Just not everyday and especially not when there is salt or snow on the ground.

11-29-2005, 01:52 AM
My old concours car used to sit outside uncoverd during winter. Like you I used it if weather allowed and sometimes on other occasions if need be.

As long as you can wash it each week I reckon you will keep it looking good. Its just looking at it sat there looking dirty during the rest of the week that hurts. With the products we have around now QEW and OCW I think keeping it looking tip top over winter wont be to bad.