View Full Version : Vinyl Detailer Making Eyes Burn

11-28-2005, 10:02 AM
OK...maybe its just me, but every time I use my Pinnacly Vinyl and Rubber protectant my eyes end up burning or feeling dry for a day or two later. I`m pretty careful about not rubbing my eyes, but I must be getting the mist or something in there anyways.

Does anyone else have this issue or am I just a wuss?

11-28-2005, 10:07 AM
Do your eyes hurt with all vinyl cleaners.

Could be an overspray problem, are you spraying onto a foam pad or directly onto the plastic

Setec Astronomy
11-28-2005, 10:10 AM
You`re just a wuss. No, seriously, some people react badly to certain products/fragrances/etc. As Lowe asked, is it just this one product? If it is, you might have to just use a different one.

11-28-2005, 11:42 AM
I have noticed this with other interior products such as armor all and finish 2000 (cut me some slack here...it was before I heard of autopia). I usually spray on the towell and wipe but perhaps I`m still getting some misting action that is causing the irritation. Since I`ve seen it with multiple products, I guess I may just be more sensitive to this than others. Lucky me!


11-28-2005, 01:23 PM
Ok it is a strange idea but how about either pouring the liquid onto the pad or even painting it on. Pour a small amount into a container and use a soft paintbrush to apply.

Eyes can be very sensitive, a few years ago I got an incredible job in a factory, I loved working there but it turns out I have an allergy to carbon black which was the most common used product. After a lot of tests the choice was potential long term damage to my eyes or find another job. I reluctantly choose the latter.

Setec Astronomy
11-28-2005, 01:35 PM
Interior dressings have silicone in them, which is a known eye irritant. If you are extremely sensitive to it, it may be that just the "fumes" could be causing the problem, which means you wouldn`t be able to use any of them. I guess the first thing to try would be the "non-misting" approaches mentioned, and make sure to wash your hands after using.