View Full Version : Possibly starting online retail store...

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11-27-2005, 08:45 PM
I am thinking about starting to sell detailing products online, via Ebay. I would start by selling OCW, OCP, OCP+, OCC, and MF. My plans are to buy about 5 or so of each and sell them on ebay with a buy it now price cheaper than most others, to attract buyers. I think if it works out, which I think it will, then I will buy a lot more and continue to sell on Ebay through an Ebay strore. Eventually I would like to carry other brands, such as CGs in 16oz bottles. Right now Ebay is more than saturated in most of the markets, but I dont think that it is in the detailing supplies market, at least not good stuff. My plans are to keep the idea of getting things on Ebay cheaper than most other places and still offering quality products. I wont be making much money at first, but I hope eventually I will.

Also eventually I would like to have a booth at the local big car shows (GoodGuys), but I would need a lot of products with me to sell, so that would be a huge investment for a 18 year old.

I dont plan on this being my only source of money, just another thing to do. BTW I currently go to school full time as a senior in HS, have a part time job, and detail on the side, so time would be another thing, but with it being online I dont think it would be that bad, plus I drive by the post office everyday to school. ;)

My questions are, do you guys think this is a good idea? Would you recomend anything? And other advice/critisism (sp?) you have?

Oh ya, and I`m not trying to spam, just trying to get some advice. ;)

Thanks for any and all replies in advance,


11-27-2005, 08:52 PM
It never hurts to try, but know what you are getting yourself into. Good luck in your endeavors.

Setec Astronomy
11-27-2005, 09:03 PM
Maybe I`m missing something here--you`re going to buy "5 of each" at retail price, and sell them on ebay at what price? Higher than retail? Who would buy it for that?

11-27-2005, 09:04 PM
Ebay is all about being just slightly cheaper than someone else. Not being a power seller usually means they`ll buy from a reputable seller than a new one. If you search for MF towels there`s a good amount already there. I get towels at a great price from my suppliers and I sell locally. It`s easier since I can teach people about the products as well as answer any questions they would have. I`ve done ebay sales in the past with other products and it`s low margins. Not worth it for me.

I`d rather sell local and get 10 times more profit than when I sell via ebay. Also as a seller you have to be very wary now as there are alot of "buyers" cheating the system and there`s hardly any recourse through ebay`s meditation department. And since they own paypal... yea it`s not easy.

Also going in with a unknown or not well known brand will hinder your sales. Well known brands are much easier to sell on ebay.

11-27-2005, 09:14 PM
Setec, no I can get them cheaper than retail. At first my discount wont be much, since I`m only buying a small amount, but eventually when I buy more the prices will go down. I plan on selling, for example OCW for like $12, cheaper than most others.

FrizzleFry, The MF is extremely saturated, I know, I would only sell mine to those who know what good MF is, not the crap on ebay. I dont expect too many sales of my MF, at least at first. I would also sell locally, but am not 100% sure how to go about that. How did you start? I mean you cant just go up to people and be like you wanna buy some detailing supplies, right. Remember, I am also young, so that does play a part when talking to people in person (trust me), online people dont have to know my age. I have sold my MF to friends and some customers of my detailing, but haven`t really gone beyond that. BTW I already sell MF now, just not on any grand scale. My plan with Ebay to break into the market is to sell at a cheap price and be the only one to be selling quality detailing products, that most people who know detailing would know. I do want to also get a booth at a show, but I might just team up with CGs for now and see how its done and get my name out there along with their`s.

Superior Shine
11-27-2005, 09:18 PM
IMHO you can make so much more money detailing. We wash cars for $45. We get about $500 for a complete buff and polish. How many bottles of wax do you have to sell to make that? Lets say you got 50% from a $10 bottle. You would need to sell 9 bottles to match one car wash or 100 to match our polish!!!!!!!

To me it sounds like the tough way to go. Good luck just the same.

Setec Astronomy
11-27-2005, 09:18 PM
How do you buy quantities of 5 at less than retail? How can you buy less than a case at a discount price?

Superior Shine
11-27-2005, 09:21 PM
My guess he is going to sell 5 to test the market.

11-27-2005, 09:26 PM
Superior: I would do more detailing, but I am a one man show, and I go to school and work a regular job. Selling stuff online doesn`t require much of my time.

Setec: Its a one time deal, like Superior said, I am getting the deal so I can test the market. Plus you have to know the right people. ;)

11-27-2005, 09:32 PM
There is not a single Optimum product listed on Ebay (currently). 99.9% of Ebayers aren`t going to have a clue what it is...how are you going to sell to them?

11-27-2005, 09:39 PM
Well, IMO no Optimum on Ebay is a good thing, no competition. I am hoping that people who already know about it or other`s who dont search for a spray wax will read about it and want to try it.

11-27-2005, 09:44 PM
What is Ebays cut of the $12.00?

11-27-2005, 09:50 PM
I dont believe any more than 75 cents, but good point, it does take a lot of my profit. I`ll look into that further.

Anyone with advice to sell locally?

11-27-2005, 10:58 PM
I believe it has almost become second nature for people to avoid salesmen and what they believe to be a miracle product (even though optimum is close in many ways). It was mentioned earlier that people will buy from a known, respected source and that is going to become a major part of selling face to face.

One way I can think of advertising your lineup is to setup a booth at local car shows, swap meets, flea markets and have a display to show what the products can do.

But you`ve also got to consider your target market. It`s probably safe to say we Autopians are a unique bunch, and while we`re willing to put hours into something simple as taking care of a car, most people are looking for something that is affordable, quick, and effective. Why should someone buy your spray wax when they can go to Wal-Mart and grab a bottle of Meguiar`s Quik-Wax or Eagle One WAUD for at least 50% of the cost of your product? Then you also have to throw in the fact that the general population probably hasn`t even heard of this Optimum line, while they have probably seen advertising for Meguiars, Armorall, etc. all over the place.

You will definitely want to put some research into all areas of your business before you actually go out there and show it to the world.

11-27-2005, 11:07 PM
True, maybe I`ll just try and team up with CGs (also not well known) seeing as how it is a direct connection to the company and will be a little easier with his help. He wanted me to look into a booth at the next car show so he can set up a booth, so maybe that can be my intro into the world of detailing products retail. Guess I just need to ask for a raise at my other job. lol